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About Canuck2fan

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  1. Hard a moving sale for my folks this weekend... 10.5" shimano convergence rod sat there priced at $7.00. Did not go, I guess all the steelheaders were fishing instead of garage saling. I will hang on to for the friends kids when they tag along...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Canuck2fan


      I let Dad price the stuff since we gave most of it to him for gifts over the years. I did have draw the line though when he put out his 7.5ft compre spinning rod with a pflueger president on it for 12 bucks. I said we gave you that as a gift you should keep that one. 160.00 we paid for that one LOL. He kept it.

    3. bobogo


      LOL wow $12! how did people not snatch that! I had zebco rods go for $5 at my garage sale. I want to come to yours!

    4. Canuck2fan


      Bobogo I saw it before the sale started and I locked it up so they couldn't get at it.... Otherwise I am pretty sure it would have went LOL.

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