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About crazyfrog

  • Birthday 04/07/1964

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  • Interests
    Hunting, Fishing, Bikes, Sleds.

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  1. 26 inches, it's getting thick and it should get up to about 4 to 6 feet thick this year considering the late start for the cold to come and saty. I guess 8 plus days are gone, back in the day we kept drilling diferent places until we hit water, our auger was only six feet. We sometime had to get the local bait shop owner on shores of Sturgeon Falls to come out and drill a hole for use with his auger so we can get some fishing in. Now I live twenty minutes from Scugog lake, and we got about 10 to 12 inches right now, and the ice hut city is all set up for the season. I will take some pics and post. Cheers
  2. How thick is the ice now? I remember back in the 70s ice over 8feet thick. And I remember 1979 it was -55DegF My dad took me ice fishing on Nippissing back in the 70s , and the pressure crack were 6 to 8 foot wall. Nobody beleives me when I tell them about the true north. We lived in Hanmer in 1973, then Warren in 1975 to 81. I now live in souther Ont, and I laugh at people around here when they complain of the cold. Cheers
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