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About Patriot1

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  1. Any body stayed hear? Hows the fishing? Looking for good fishing for smallies, walleyes and pike
  2. take a look at the new scoutguards, or the new cuddebacks
  3. so i take it i can't go wrong with either? Right now im leaning more towards somewhere on Gowganda, cause it seems like better smallmouth fishing.
  4. Which would you rather go on a fishing trip to and why? just trying to narrow the search thanks again
  5. thanks for all the replies so far, any other ideas would be helpful Looking for smallmouths primarily. Thanks Chris
  6. Any body have any info on this lodge and about the fishing? good or bad thanks chris
  7. Most of us are in college and a couple work. So being in our early 20s we can't afford a fly-in trip or anything, we can probably afford to spend up to $600 a person. Where is a good place to stay of the French river? Which part of the river is best for fishing? Ive looked at the websites for Lunge lodge, and a couple in Wolseley Bay.
  8. 5 or 6 of my friends will be taking a fishing trip to Ontario in june probably. Where should we go we are wanting good smallmouth, pike/muskie fishing? Looking for a days drive from NE Ohio. Not super expensive decent price, we are poor college age guys. Ive been looking at the French River, or Marten River. But im looking for any other suggestions and where to stay. Thanks for any help Chris
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