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About snaggermeister

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  1. Fat speck! Wow! I wonder if your buddy's happy about you posting his photos LOL.
  2. Great report Mr. Solo. Brings back some great memories of last year when we went and of all the hog walleyes I was able to put my 7 year old son Mano on to. Glad to see that you and Joe could repeat the experience with a screen tent this time. The owner of Hawk Air was at the tip of the unfriendliness meter to put it mildly. I still get hives just thinking about the way he treated his clients. I'm happy that Park's Fly-ins offers an alternative to fly in from Chapleau Air service now. It's real real hard to get big wallies in Ribes Lake
  3. It's always great reading your trip reports Mike. This one looks like another epic Fishing adventure. How would this compare, adventure wise, to some of the other big river walleye and Pike you have done in the past?
  4. Holy crap! What a trip! It looks like you guys could have filled the canoe10 times over! Did you have enough to share with the polar bear? Thanks for sharing. That's An excellent report. You should have your own blog!
  5. I beleive I had the original garbage scow! Mike and I distroyed our backs portaging an old repaired aluminum Grumman that was weighed down with cheap, dull camo spray paint, about 15 years ago. It had to weigh in excess of 80 lbs and was hideously ugly, to add insult to the arduous task of carrying it. That pig also irrepairably damaged my brother-in laws back.... It has since been retired to a lake that will remain unnamed but boasts great big specks on a good day, and will likely never be revoved from there. It's the type of boat that doen't need to be locked up Emanuel, my first born son, and I joined Mike and Reily on this wonderous walleye walkabout. It was the perfect trip to bring the kids along, first because they didn't take up too much room in the cabin, and also because the walleye fishing was consistantly hot and predictable. Emanuel managed to break 7 lbs on the first afternoon and because the action was so regular, became very proficient at detecting the light tap of the walleye bite, even the few times the fishing slowed down. Thanks Mike for the report and allowing me to relive the adventure. Emanuel has been away at his grand parents' since we got out of Ribes, so I am looking forward to showing him all of the footage! I hope we can do something like this together again sometime soon.
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