Hey all, been reading the posts here for a while now, finally decided to join. Love the site and the fish porn:) I'm no newbie to fishing but like women, it is very unpredictable;)... I was thinking I know we got alot of rain on saturday and the temps are pretty cold. But i have the day off tomorrow and was thinking of hitting a local trib, it is pretty resiliant to rain unless its the spring. I was wondering if anyone has seen the water levels as of late or if everything is blown still? Also from experience I dont recall the water freezing up after only a few short days of cold temps, am i wrong? Conditions look perfect tomorrow, besides the ice on my guides and floats. If the water is anything but blown im sure It will be better than it has been. Crazy inconsistent weather this fall for the steelhead, but its looking alot more promising as the season slowly comes to an end, I have a serious itch to go before it freezes up. Any advice would be much appreciated since I dont drive and have to take the go train everywhere. Thanks in advance everyone, looking forward to my time at OFC.