Well its been a while since i've been on the board, to long that I had forgotten my password and user name. Display name use to be FISH-NYMPH. Anyway, I managed to get out on the water with Davis Battah from " figure 8" and he put me on to my PB muskie. We fished one of the Kawartha Lakes on a gorgeous blue sky, no wind, high teens day. Not exactly what some would call the ideal day for catching Musky. Well it wasn't a numbers day but I did catch this 47 1/2 beauty at 10 am in the morning in about 30 ft of water.Her gerth size was approxitmatley 17 1/2 and although we did not take her weight i'd assumed that she was around the 30lb range. She gave us one jump out of the water and about a 3-4 minute fight to the net. We managed 3 more hits that day while trolling, but no takers! All in all it was a great Day with Davis, Super Guy with nothing but knowledge when it comes to these fish. His excitement when the fish are on makes you think twice as to who the guide is on the boat.
Can't wait to do it agian!