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About nigglesworth

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  1. Beautiful shots for a beautiful day! Anyone care to share the name of said river.... just moved from Vancouver and am looking to get out soon! Thanks in advance and I will keep my fingers crossed.
  2. HI Stan I would be looking for two options. A couple of day trip options would be nice. But I may also have a couple of days off a week from now and wouldn't mind going a little further and perhaps camp and spend a few days. Fall is my quiet time and I would like to get out as much as possible. It has been a hard transition as Vancouver is blessed with a year round fishery and plenty of quiet spots close to the city! Being new, I am up to exploring!
  3. Moved to Toronto from Vancouver a few months ago and am itching to get some fly fishing in before the snow comes. I would love to get out for trout, salmon or steelies. If anyone feels like pointing me in the right direction, I am all ears. I am happiest walking, hiking, wading... and the further from crowds the better. Would love to hear your trips. I spent a week in Kilarney two weeks ago and am hungry for more!
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