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Everything posted by DionJL

  1. Don't worry I'll be getting drunk as well as fishing. As for the sturgeon I used a Penn 321 levelwind reel, 130lb PowerPro line, and a Lamiglas BGF70. Landed it in about 15minutes.
  2. I'm actually thinking I wouldn't mind targeting some brook trout as I've never caught one of 'em. Here's a Sea-Run cutthroat trout: And a Sturgeon (per request): No halibut pictures as I'm not much of an ocean fisherman.
  3. Actually I was hoping to avoid your "salmon" and "steelhead" and target fish that are less abundant over here. ie: Bass, Pike, Carp etc. I have fished quite a bit for bass, both large and small mouth. Pike and Carp on the other hand are not easy to find this side of the Rockies. I'd prefer to use a Fly Rod but I'm no fly-fishing elitist by any means. I'll chuck gear, bait, etc. What ever it takes to catch fish. I'm not exactly sure where we are staying, but apparently it is a bit of a dive hotel. And I wouldn't hire a guide in BC as I've worked in Tackle Shops and worked as a Guide here. I know the value of a good guide, and good information, so thanks for all your help so far. PS: This is what a steelhead should look like, and to be considered a steelhead it has to go to the ocean, not a lake. and salmon as well.
  4. Hey all! I'm an avid fisherman from Vancouver. I'll be heading to Toronto for a week (Oct 19-24) with my department (Materials Engineering) from UBC. Throughout the week we are heading to Mills and Processing Plants that are pertinent to our discipline. While we're out there we'll have free time in the evenings. I'm wondering what sort of fishing I would be able to get myself into while I have free time. I'll have no vehicle and can't rent one because I'm only 19. I'm considering going on a guided trip. I'd like to target fish that we don't have out here in BC. Any recommendations on what options I have, guide companies, rods to bring, etc.? Thanks for your help, Dion L.
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