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About ShaneD

  • Birthday 06/15/1972

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  • Interests
    Fishing, Tube audio equipment, Coins, Computers

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  1. I went out last nigh from about 6 to 8pm. I was surprised that there were that many people out there. Saw about 10 or so good sized fish jump about 50 yards out. I did not get any bites but seeing them there is enough to keep me coming back. There were still people coming down and setting up when I was leaving at 8pm. Do people fish all night down there? Most people were sticking closer to the shore then the end of the pier is this the preferred spot or people just do not like climbing over that big rail? I stopped on the way home from work and got a serious net and 150 yards of 20lb fireline on my reel so i should be safe if one of those beasts grabs on. Hey Mattones are you going down this weekend? I plan on putting some hours in. Shane
  2. I never have heard that, out on the west cost they call them steelhead, now I know. The guy at the fishing store recommended that charging the cleos as well. I got one of those dollar store lanterns to hang the lures off the handle to charge them up and then I will alternate charging and casting. How do recommend fishing them? Do I cast them out and let them sink then bring them in slowly or with sharp jerks? Any tips? Thanks for answering my questions. Shane
  3. Thanks so much, I was worried about looking like a complete fool out there after work today. I have to stop and get a net as I went out there on the weekend and realized that if anything grabbed on I had no chance of getting it on the pier. What exactly is a Bow? I do have 3 cleo's, the helpful guy at Burns fishing recommended them to me so I got one in each color that glow. Thanks Again!
  4. Hello, I was wondering if it was worth going salmon fishing at fisherman's pier by the Skyway this late in the season. I am new to the area fishing and do not have a boat so its pretty much shore fishing for me. Any recommendations would be welcome. Shane
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