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About shangarang

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  1. Haha looks like we are in the same situation good luck! Let me know you do find a place
  2. Haha looks like we are in the same situatipn
  3. Hi Dave thx for the reply, I was just hoping for some recommandations for some places that people have stayed or heard about, I have searched the web a bit but it's kinda hard to Differentiate between them and which lake to stay at. I know most lakes are fishable in the muskokas but I guess it won't hurt to ask around
  4. Hi guys my name is Shang, I created an account here a while ago but never really it. I am currently an university student at university of Toronto missisauga, I generally fish for salmon and trout on the credit in the fall between classes and some recreational fishing during summer. So currently I am planning a 3 day 2night trip with friends maybe in the muskoka or boq region. We have a group of 4-8 people and planning to rent a cottage on a resort and do some fishing. I was wondering if someone can point out some resorts or cottages we can rent. We also don't have a boat so if the place on site boat rental which will be awesome ! Thank you
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