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Everything posted by ski88

  1. What ever happened to Ennismore Lodge on Pigeon Lake ?
  2. Thanks for the info bigcreekdad. That was great information. I will be sure to tell Ken you said hi. Also will post results when we get back. Again Thanks
  3. Hi Rich, Glad to here from you.We stayed at the Chuadiere lodge last year. Picked up 1 small muskie and some walleye. The water was way down. Trying again this year. Great to here from you. Good Luck
  4. F_cast, Thanks alot for the information. Like I stated before I like to do alot of casting and the baits and colors you suggested I use alot. From what I here the water levels are back to normal which should help out alot. Will keep you posted on our trip. Thanks Again
  5. Thanks for the info , I appreciate it. I fished there before no luck with the muskie. Tons of pike. The water level was very low the last time few times I was up there. Here is some info. From Pittsburgh I fish manily for Muskie, Pigeon Lake and the French river. Use mostly Leo Lures and BucherTail bucktails. Again Thanks for info
  6. Sorry about the mispelled words :-) I was in a hurry. Thanks anyways !!!
  7. Going upto Camp Wanikewin in 2nd week of Sept. Just wondering if anyone has been fishing the Pickerel this year. Water was down the last 2 years. How is the Muskie bite doing. Also ythe Pickerel bite Any response is appreciated. Thnaks
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