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Posts posted by BassAsin

  1. awesome on you guys for tenting it. wish I had of seen this post sooner. a liter of water with a dozen dace minnows would have lasted the night, punch a few holes in the bottle and sink it overnight, wont freeze. dew worms on a set line would have been a good idea as well.


    none the less i'm surprised you didn't get any, its heavily stocked every two years and stocked in 2012, a handful of of small 10-14 inchers should have been hungry. although similar to brookies they can be picky. weather change over the weekend likely didn't help.


    hopefully the next report has just as nice of scenery and a few fish mixed in as well.

  2. Captain’s Rant: Nipissing Opening Date - May Long Weekend


    The issue is simple: Open the May Long Weekend fishing season on the Friday instead on the Saturday.


    Many of my guests wait all year long for just one special weekend of spring fishing … and 1 whole day of the 3 day weekend is robbed from them.







    monday is the holiday not friday, so in that case no one is "robbing" your clients of a 3 day weekend.

  3. augers are on sale at ct right now, either fin or swede bore normark augers. been using one for years no issues. either way do yourself a favour and put vaseline on the blades during the off season. and often wal mart will have major clear out sales on ice fishing stuff come spring, blades go on as cheap as 10 bucks a set. keep a spare set handy incase you find a rock or stone just under the ice.

  4. Haha, took the skidoo into a lake trout lake today, and drilled holes through 24" of ice. Oh yea yesterday I drove the truck out on Nipissing to pull a buddys shack and had to drill through about 30 inches there. :) not gonna lie but I can take another 3 weeks of winter.i

  5. Wow! lol


    Second fish is a pike perch, or sander luciaperca. Amazing though nonetheless

    a zander, they once stocked a lake in the states with them, cleaned the lake out and scared the government so they killed the lake off a couple years after so the american zander record was like 3 lbs, until a few years ago a lady caught one that made it through the "lake kill off" and it was 17 lbs i believe it was in an ood mag a few years back.

  6. All stocked speckles in Ontario are Nipigon strain, where do you think the MNR get the broadstock from? :)

    Inorrect Bill.


    many in this area come from the hills lake algonquin park strain, some are nipigon strain, espanola uses a hybrid, bracebridge uses the hills lake strain as well as another strain not from nipigon.

  7. Don't forget some micro jigs and some waxworms to tip 'em with......saved the day several times for me when they wouldn't "pickup" anything bigger!

    judging by where you're from and your pic you dont have a clue about big specks eazy. HAHAHA JK micro jigs and wax worms are a shot in the dark kinda desperation thing but you're 100% right they have saved my butt on a few occasions too.

  8. I totally agree on dropping back down quick after a miss...almost all my best specks came dropping the half dead minnow back down or a fresh one down quick if I was stripped. I always try to chase a ringing bell on a set line with minnow bucket in hand...just in case!


    ps. I love the chartreuse colored hooks like your pink ones....never tried or even seen pink though!?

    another thing i'll do is leave a minnow in the snow right near the hole in case i do get stripped. toss it on quick and get it back down.


    i dont know if i catch more fish becasue the pink hook but it adds a little something, the gammy's are super sharp and strong. i know i dont catch less fish because the colour but they are great for looking down the hole, if the pink disappears when you see a specky hit, you know its time to set hook.

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