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About joebuck

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  1. It's true that I have no proof of this cover up but I was told about it by a very trustworthy municipal employee. It's the only theory I've heard so far that makes any sense.
  2. CARP COVER UP REVEALED Dara has the right idea. It doesn’t make sense when the MNR says ‘we don’t know what’s killing them but it posses no threat to humans’. They couldn‘t know that, unless they know something that we don‘t. If something doesn’t make sense stop listening to what you are told and consider the facts. I have just learned from a reliable inside source that Dara is correct in assuming a cover up. Experts have confirmed that this bacteria found in the carp can not kill them so the bacteria/virus story doesn’t fly. Environmental changes would be killing more than carp so that doesn’t work either. If the MNR doesn’t know what it is, why would they encourage us to continue using the water? The unknown posses a risk so why would they want us taking a risk? So here is the answer. In an attempt to maintain the cash flow we take in here from summer cottagers a plan was put forward to remove the abundance of weeds in our lakes. The MNR have scattered weed killing pellets through our lakes. These pellets are toxic to ingest and because carp are our primary bottom feeders here they are ingesting mass quantities of these pellets. The plan backfired because dead carp are even more disgusting than weeds. That is why these die offs are isolated to specific lakes. That is why the MNR is encouraging people to keep using the water. If people are scarred away from their cottages their weed killing plan will have been an even bigger disaster.
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