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Posts posted by mkeyes

  1. For all my lawyer and doctor friends.




    Statistics can be alarming at times! There is a book out, "How to Lie with Statistics".



    Subject: guns vs doctors


    (A) The number of doctors in the U.S. is 700,000

    (B) Accidental deaths caused by physicians per year are 120,000

    ( C) Accidental deaths per physician is 17.14% * Statistics courtesy of the U.S. Dept of Health &Human Services []



    (A) The number of gun owners in the U.S. is 80,000,000 (yes that's 80 million)

    (B) The number of accidental gun deaths per year, all age groups, is


    ( C) The number of accidental deaths per gun owner is 0.001875%


    * Statistics courtesy of the FBI




    So statistically, doctors are approximately 9,000 times more dangerous than gun owners.


    Remember, guns don't kill people, doctors do.

    Not everyone has a gun, but almost everyone has at least one doctor.


    Please alert your friends to this alarming threat. We must ban doctors before this gets completely out of hand!!!

    Out of concern for the public at large, we have withheld statistics on lawyers for fear the shock would cause people to panic and seek medical attention.



    Oh My God I just couldn't stop laughing....but damb it really isn't funny it's true aughhhhhhh

  2. I got the exact same email a week ago when I last posted about gulp...I wrote back and told them that I had already spent 20 dollars on the bucket and I was not willing to spend even more to mail a defective bucket back to them. I got no further emails back. hmmmmm


     Thank you for taking the time to contact us regarding your recent experience using one of our products.  We always appreciate hearing from avid fishermen concerning the quality and performance of our products.


    We have a long-standing reputation for producing the finest in fishing tackle. From the information you have provided, it would seem the product you were using was not up to the high standards that Pure Fishing anglers have come to expect. For this we sincerely apologize. Please send the defective product to:




    1900 - 18TH STREET

    SPIRIT LAKE IA 51360


    Make sure you put your return physical address inside with the product. Once we receive the product we will send out the replacement.


    We trust this new product will deliver the performance that has made Abu Garcia, Berkley, Fenwick, Mitchell, Johnson, Stren, Sevenstrand and Spiderwire the best in the fishing tackle industry.


    Thanks again for contacting us and voicing your concerns. We appreciate your interest and willingness to share your thoughts and opinions.


    The best in fishing to you,

    Nissa Lundquist

    Customer Service Representative

  3. Wow and this is why I have to worry about every other boater out there.

    I have been driving cruisers for the last 22 years.

    I assist my father when he needs someone to tutor for the test he teaches

    through the Power and Sail Squadron.

    You never know who took a course and who took the dock side ya ya test.



  4. Right now I have three rods on the boat.

    One set up for top water.

    One set up with a pickerel rig.

    One set up for trolling with a jig, ready to add gulp.


    I have asked for a Bass Pro gift certificate for my birthday because I would like to have a second rod set up with a pickerel rig. Lord knows my fav spot eats gear!!!

    But at least all I lose is the stuff at the end of the line....not like hubby who cast in and lost hold...opps there goes his fav 5' ultra light ugly stick hmmmmm.

    He ordered that one up from the states so I am hoping that I will be able to get him another one at BassPro.


    Amazing how much equipment some of you guys have!!!!! I am jealous

  5. I can't see keeping any more than I am going to eat that day or the next.


    If I want to keep fishing then I just release.


    I have been known to go ashore, cook up what I have caught, eat that and then catch more for dinner. Does it count when it is in your belly??? :rolleyes:

  6. I have kids your age and my advice to them was:

    the market is being flooded with computer science techs and people with business degrees

    what is really needed is plumbers and electricians

    with those trades you can always open up your own business in the future if that is what you want

    there is also a shortage of any profession in the medical field

    if you don't think you could work with your hands and can do the sciences.




    and the trucker thing hmmmm they work super long hours

    not something I would want to do

    I love having my fishing time lol

  7. The rush when............."FISH ON"......happens


    Listening to my husband tell me what I should be doing, "teaching me", agreeing with him,then turning around...do my own thing and out fish him....gotta love that.


    And the time with those I care the most about. My husband and I bought a pontoon fishing boat because my father had fallen a few times getting into our other boat (and mom just couldn't get in at all).......my father didn't have any sons, so it was me he woke up at 4 in the morning to go portaging to his favorite lake.


    Plus they just taste so good :clapping:

  8. Some people buy the pre-packaged orange bucket from Canadian Tire, believing that they have everything that is needed and put it on their boat..as is.

    You get stopped by the MNR and if that bucket is still sealed they write you a ticket...the flashlight inside has no batteries and there for is no good.


    I love my wind-up flashlight..never have to worry about checking batteries..which I know I would forget to do.


    We attach a fox 40 whistle to each lifejacket...we sometimes spend whole days out on the boat so if the kids are going in swimming we also have fox 40 whistles on wrist lanyards that they have to wear, so I don't have to be counting heads every 2 seconds.

  9. I am so sorry to hear that yet another person has been lost to doctors not having enough time with each person. I was a nurse for many years and had to leave because I just could not keep nursing in that way. My brother-in-law was misdiagnosed for 2 years...they told him he had a bladder infection and gave him antibiotics....he had bladder cancer and was dead within the year...he was 36

  10. Wow, lots of good advice....love the beer and "mens" magazine comment LOL

    My sons sometimes come out with me fishing, other times they are too busy playing video games

    but getting my daughters to come is easy...I ask their boyfriends to come and they follow :whistling: and boyfriends just can't say no to the girlfriends mom ha ha


    Other times I prefer they all stay back and let me have some peace !!!!!!!

  11. My buddy's dad owns a cottage on Manitouwabing, fished that lake for years when I was a teenager..


    Turtle Bay is definitely my fav :) There are some BIG fish in there.



    Hmmmm Turtle Bay....I know Robinsons Bay and Farmers Bay....I might have to send you a map so you can show me where Turtle Bay is...this lake is just sooo big and I have only been here 2 years. A friend of mine (another woman you guys, we can always out fish ya lol) took out a pike as tall as me and weighed over 20 pounds.

  12. I try to fish as close to the water as possible! ;)



    as close as you can without getting wet???

    OMG You smart donkey LOL


    Lake Manitouwabing is north east of Parry Sound, in McKellar.

    And I love the answer from Rich, cause here it is 4 season fishing as well !!!

    gotta love it. But the crappie I have always just thrown back...is it any good?


    JWL...that is one thing I do miss about where we used to be is the browns for breakfast.

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