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Everything posted by northamfishing

  1. Royston, I fish a lot of georgian bay, always looking for new people to go with. I run a 17' Cajun. I petty much love to catch any fish that swims. If it fights hard I wanna catch it!

  2. Forgot I even had a profile on here. Sweet, i'll have to use it more.

  3. I have a few years experience with "R" bends and closed or twisted wire forms. I have used them both and I have caught fish on both. From my understanding the "R" bends are designed for direct tie. Where the closed form is better suited for using a snap swivel or leader. I really think it comes down to preference and application. There are a couple different pros and cons to both forms. The "R" bend with a direct tied knot will most likely run truer a majority of the time where a leader used on a twisted form may give the spinnerbait a little too much freedom and alloy it to tilt to the side. I also find that the "R" bends will bend more or "straighten" out more on a hook set. The "closed" wire forms I find don't open up as much and the wire seems to be slightly thicker in diameter. I guess this why they make most larger pike and musky spinnerbaits with all closed forms(to my knowledge anyways) Vibration may differ slightly from these two forms, but I honestly think the blades are responsible for most of the noise and vibration a spinnerbait puts out. I believe that the motion of the blades displacing water is what fish sense on their lateral line. Now if you believe that the "R" bend puts out more vibration that's great, use it in application where fish rely on there sense on lateral line primarily to feed such as stained water. If you like using the closed wire form you may want to use it more in situations where fish might rely on there sense of vision primarily to feed, such as clear water. I really think blades are what makes a spinnerbait. If it's vibration you want, colorado baldes are the way to go. If it's flash your going for, then twin willow blades are great. Or you can do what I do, simply do what works and listen to the fish.
  4. Yes we went to a more streamlined approach by eliminating the red tubing. The red tubing was a bit more labour intensive. The clear tubing i find is a bit more subtle and gives the lure a cleaner look. In my experience, I haven't see much of a difference in the performance. It was more of a cosmetic change. However yours would be the first case that has been brought to my attention. I am actually glad that this was brought to light as I am always open to feedback on our products. We are always doing research on how we can make the products better. Our spinnerbaits have evolved over the past couple years with help from our loyal customers and of course me getting out and beating them up by fishing. Just so you know we do stand behind every lure we make, and you are welcome to select a replacement. Thanks.
  5. No offense at all taken here, It came as a surprise because I didn't think that email went through. My apologies, I hate spam too. I will be more careful. Thanks for the heads up too.
  6. mikeh, I was cruising the message board and came across your message about a faulty product. We have since corrected the problem with the red tubing. If you would like to provide me with your mailing address I could have a replacement spinnerbait shipped. You can reach me at 705 252 6920 or email at [email protected] I would like to opportunity to fix this.
  7. Not sure I understand. Did I do something wrong? let me know eh? I am not the most advanced internet user in the world. My apologies not sure I know what happened.
  8. I just wanted to take a second to thank all of you who came to visit us at the 2009 Fishing & Boat show in Mississauga last week. It was a fantastic show and your support is greatly appreciated. Hope to see you all again next year. Have a great summer.
  9. Just to clear up a few things, it's only water on my shirt and pants no blood. It was hooked on the side of the mouth, no injuries. I spent a good 10-15 mins reviving it and it gave a good splash on the release. I am about 5 foot 7" 210lbs, maybe that will help.
  10. Any more guesses on what weight, length and girth might be? I would appreciate it, as I am getting a replica made for my office. Thanks
  11. looks like a pirahna to me.
  12. This pig hammered my 1oz. hand made spinnerbait at around 7pm. I was burning the spinnerbait, when it hit. I set the hook and it cleared the water by about 3 feet. What a memory! After a few quick pictures back in she went to fight another day! This fish was caught on Georgian Bay. Unfortunately, I didn't have all the equipment to measure and weigh it. It's up to the imagination to how long and how much it weighed, girth etc... My buddy is a hardcore musky fishermen and he guessed about 50-55" in length, maybe 55-60lbs.
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