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About FishingIsHealing

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  1. I have a Quebec and Ontario licence. The Ontario licence is 19$ because I only buy conservation licence since I don't keep what I catch unless it's a trout (which I have never caught). I release everything I catch. The Quebec Licence costs 51$ which is crazy because you don't even get an outdoors card type thing. You just get a little piece of paper which looks like movie ticket paper. For 19$ in Ontario you get the Conservation licence for 1 year and you get an outdoors card which is quite fancy hahah Still waiting for mine in the mail. Yee hee Next i'm gonna get my hunting licence and Firearms Acquisition Licence so me and my dad can hunt Turkey on his property since it's in a rural area, I can just lay down on the lawn and hunt turkey. But the problem is I don't like killing animals so this is probably just a dream haha. But I will shoot targets on his property, won't kill Deer since I like Deer way too much. The deer on his property are pretty friendly actually......they walk right up to you. So we don't like to kill them. Tommorrow I'm going to scout some speck/brook trout fishing areas in Quebec up near the town of Luskville and Low. Wish us Luck....I'm really sick and Ihope I won't have any problems tommorow because I'll be 1 hour away from a hospital at least. THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO CONTRIBUTED~!
  2. Thank you EVERYONE for your help! I've found a place where I'm going to go. It's just my regular spot because I haven't been able to locate any other places by tommorow. Thanks for all the information you gave me about disabled fishing and for everyone who sent me private messages suggesting things I could do and for giving me websites that have good information and stuff. And to the last poster, I will check that out too! THANK YOU SO MUCH EVERYONE! Thanks LEFTY for the trout festival info, may check that place out on way home tommorow! FISHING IS TRULY HEALING...........IT"S THE ONLY THING THAT CAN MAKE ME ENJOY MY LIFE IN THIS CONDITION THAT I AM IN.............FISH FOR LIFE! I added a picture of a nice big pumpkinseed that I caught in Lac La Vase which is a lake that is basically the northern end of Lac Ste. Marie. There is a beautiful little creek called Heney Creek I think? And I caught this near the opening of it. I released the big pan fish back so it could be caught again! It sure was a "bute" though! haha.......A good looking fish! Don't laugh at my pathetic sunfish! It seemed bigger in real life. hahah it was quite chunky and beautiful.....
  3. This is a good idea. There is one near my house but it's not challenging enough. I like the challenge of a real stream or river. what I do is I have a really comfortable chair with drink holder and I just get my dad to set it up and I sit there on the banks of the river drinking water and fishing at my own pace.... There isn't any trout around ottawa on the ontario side. Except for stocked lakes and ponds. But on the Quebec side, there is trout a plenty....you just have to know the areas. I'll probably just end up going to the regular place because I doubt anyoen will tell me the rivers they go to......I might check out a new creek with my dad. It starts with an St and is up near Wakefield/Low Quebec. There may be trout in there but we haven't surveyed it yet. Will let u know if we find anything in there this weekend or if it looks trouty and has cold water........ I also know another place up near Kazabazua and near Shawville/campbells bay. But won't tell u where that is Don't want to have everyone going to this place and fishing it out. It's a fragile ecosystem and natural fish live there, not stocked ones so they can't sustain that type of fishing pressure from us....Basically any streams up there with cold water have brookies in them........It's almost guaranteed if the water is cold and there is a current, that therre are trout in the stream/river. All the good trout fishing is in Quebec sadly
  4. Haha yes this is a better forum, I like it more. Easier on the eyes.......lol.......
  5. Thanks for the reply. If you aren't from here yo ucan't really help so it's okay! haha........It's the thought that counts right? Thanks for the support...hopefully I will recover.....Somehow I feel pretty negative about it since it should have stopped by now and the doctors don't know why it is continuing. Anyways, wish you luck with your fishing this year and every year! ----Tom----
  6. Hi my name is Tom. I am disabled and have spent 1 month 6 days in the hospital since April 18th. I love to fish and my problem is that I love to fish for trout. I suffered multiple pulmonary embolisms and now I'm left with inflamed lungs that are continuously bleeding over and over. I have had to have my lung cavities drained twice now and the bleeding is not stopping. I am in the worst pain of my life and feel like my lungs have been bruised with a baseball bat! My lungs feel like someone is squeezing them. I don't know if it will ever stop, the bleeding and inflammation are recurrent. I suffer from a bleeding disorder and this complicates the illness because I bleed more than normal people. Fishing is my release. I can't drink beer, I can't party, I can't see my friends, I can't F$#@, I can't drive, I can't even walk around the block. But Fishing, fishing is king and makes me happy and for the time being I almost forget the pain I am in and can relax. I'm wondering if anyone can share some general areas that are within 1 hour of downtown Ottawa which have trout in them. I already know quite a few lakes that have specks and even 1 that has dwarf char, But I can't go out in a boat at the moment due to my health. I need a place where I can just pull up my lawn chair and relax and fish from the chair while my father goes and wades or fishes from shore. I dont' expect you to give me your honey holes, but even a river name or creek name or general area of the creek/river would be appreciated. I dont' keep anything I catch because I don't like the taste of fish, I just go for experience of nature and the rush of hooking a fish. I have only fished twice in the last 8 years because of my health problems. I really would like to have a productive time fishing this weekend. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated! If there are no ideas, I know my own place that has a natural speckled trout population but I would rather discover something new.... Thank you for your help! Fishing is RELIEF! Sincerely, Tom G.
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