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Posts posted by Pmacdonald

  1. Hello to all,


    I am heading up to Lake Herridge this weekend. It is my first time going. We will be targeting pike and pickerel for the most part, but we have heard that there are lake trout in the lake. We were going to try trolling for some lakers at some point. I was just wondering if anyone has ever fished Lake Herridge for Lakers before? If so, were you successful? How big were the fish that you caught? Do you have any tips for success?

    (any tips for pike or pickerel would be appreciated as well).




  2. Hi Tonyrome69,


    Irishfield is right; colour monitors do kill the batteries in portable devices very fast. If you are not dead set on a colour display, I would suggest you take a serious look at a Hummingbird 535 or 565 portable.




    They have great displays, the battery life is great, they show temperature, and have optional speed upgrade. The carrying cases are very rugged and the units are just a tough. I purchased the 535 protable last year and have no complaints. The refresh rate it great; it even gives you clear picture even when you boat is moving, and it gives you clear indication on the hardness of hte bottom structures etc.


    Regardless of what you choose, I hope you find one that works for you.

  3. Hey everyone I am new to the message board. I am looking for a place to go for some walleye this weekend. I am looking for a place that is within a 1-2 hour drive from Kitchener; probably Lake Erie or lake ontario.


    I went to the Detroit river last weekend and was successful but seeing as the weather is not the greatest, I want to avoid making any long trips again this weekend.


    Can anyone tell me some good places to check out?

    (preferrably somewhere with a boat launch as I prefer fishing by boat over shore fishing)


    Thanks in advance!

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