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Brent T

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About Brent T

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Newbie (1/10)



  1. That's what I thought. I will purchase a licence and get clarification. Cheers, Brent
  2. I am a heavy user of iNaturalist. After six years of use I have uploaded over 7500 observations on over 2000 species on that platform. After 14 years of owning the ROM guide Freshwater Fishes of Ontario, I have decided to start looking for fish more actively. My brother-in-law and nephew are dipnetting for minnows, molluscs and other things. My nephew was thrilled recently upon finding a baby snapping turtle. My brother-in-law was stunned to see how fast a Two-lined Salamander scurried away. So I have been joining them on these excursions and have photographed their catches for posted on iNaturalist. I want to dipnet for minnows and other small fish, photograph them (in a temporary container filled with water) and release them. I bought a cheap kids D-shaped net in which I will lengthen the handle Does this activity require a fishing license? It seems silly to purchase a conservation fishing license and not keep fish ever. The cost of the license isn't much of course and I'm willing to buy one just to protect myself of course. With a bit of effort I may encounter about 20-30 species of fish easily. I will be reading up on the regulations on where I can't fish (e.g. fish sanctuaries) and when. I also understand I should destroy invasive species should I encounter them and in time I will be able to recognize them on sight. Who knows, I may even take a chance with my underwater camera (OM TG6), and photograph fish underwater. I use the camera for its outstanding macro capabilities, and am reluctant to use it underwater ... Cheers, Brent
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