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About Sonny1980

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  1. yeah but im hearing of people getting heavy fines like thousands of dollars for cutting trees and soem dude cut trees and made a path on crown land and was fined 10k...id do the same probably jsut cut and hope for the best i dont see how it would be a problem unless i had nosey neighbours but ill see i guess. but thanks for the replies. ive also heard of that also that thats what it means that the ministry can come and log it if they wanted too...its that way for mineral rights but the odds of that ar epretty slim so it really doesnt matter i was just wondering if it were the same for trees..the way the government is nowadays i wouldnt put it past tehm doing fly overs..but again its unorganized so who would come? i guess the MNR? hopefully no-one.
  2. i recently bought soem acreage in ONtario and its under an unorganized towship but like many properties , i dont have tree rights..so im wondering what this means really.. i hear you can cut trees down on crown land wihtout permits so i dont see why i couldnt on my own private property. and theres no place for me to go to ask permission for this as its unorganized . so i was wondering if anyone knows the procedure to do this..i heard you can cut the trees down but you cant sell teh wood ..so id be ok to cut what i want as long as i use the wood myself..i have a feeling its not quite that easy but i was looking for soemone who knows or experienced such a thing. any help is appreciated..ty
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