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Everything posted by mikem

  1. The ladies say yay to the last pic - suckers they are! Thanks everyone!
  2. OK - surely this is the place to ask this loaded question! My wife and her sister were wandering Garloch gardens in Oakville, and in a little stream there (by little I mean max 5 feet wide, maybe 2ft deep - but connected directly to Lake Ontario) and they happened upon 3 fish harassing another one. We have pretty much identifed the harrased fish as a carp, but cannot figure out what the other 3 fish were.... After going through pretty much any type I could think of, and looking throught MNR ID charts, we are stumped. The best that they can describe as identifying features: 2 (or 3) dark bands horizontal along the fish - one in line with the eyes, the other higher Head like a Largemouth Bass Foot or so in length Rounded top fin (they think...) the fish themselfs were lighter in color - but unsure of the exact color because the water was kind of murky they were harassing the carp together, in what the ladies thought were an agressive manner. I am stumped - I was thinking striped bass - but not according to the ladies when we got our pics of them... they are emphatic that the stripes were thick and dark, calling them bands, not stripes. any help is appreciated - I hate to have a mystery like this unsolved!!!
  3. I have been living in the Third Line/Bronte Region for a few years now, and even gave Bronte Creek a try a couple of times last year - but my lack of river fishing experience is frustrating me. I am looking for someone with experience fishing in the area to partner up with and learn from - I love to fish all kinds, and am also looking to get out this year on the lake and just around (1/2 radius or so) the Oakville and surrounding area. If anyone is willing to share knowledge and a morning or two with a newbie, please drop me an email and we can arrange a good time to meet on the river. I am out there this weekend experience or no - just would prefer it to be a more fruitful experience than my trouting on the mouths thus far this season! Cheers Mike [email protected]
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