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Posts posted by freshwaterflyco.

  1.  Pieroway rods?

    ended up with a couple when out west a while back and still hold onto my metal detector 600 grain cause I really like the feel, as I understand it Jerry French and Geoff Pieroway teamed up some time fairly recently and my friend tells me it's his favorite. I havent seen or casted it so cant say.


  2. Just wanted to wish everyone who's fishing it a good opening weekend.

    Rain supposed to clear out this aft., river conditions looking like they'll be dropping back to almost prime by Saturday in my area.

    Enjoy, pick up after the bums where you can and don't be the guy fishing them on their redd's.




    • Like 1
  3. That is a nice looking rod.

    I like the low key but quality look and your choices in components, cork, seat and finish work nice with each other.

    I also know the gentleman who built and signed it and will vouch for both his rod building abilities and his character.  

    All around good guy who does good work!

    The weight on it is less than a fair number of 12'6/13' rods, should be fun to fish for sure.

    I've never fished one, does the zepplin balance out nicely? 

    Good fishing, hope you get to test it out on a freshy right away, let us know how it does. 


    • Thanks 1
  4. Very similar situation on the rivers in my part of Southern Ontario.

    The volunteer associations involved with lifts and egg/data collection on them are also proceeding as they did before and from my understanding there have been no outside issues raised at all. 

    Looks like you have a nice day weather wise for volunteers and fish.

    Hopefully you get a good turnout of both this year.

    Please update with how it goes and enjoy the day.


    • Like 1
  5. Thanks for posting, I didn't watch it yet but The Last Guide is one of my most treasured books for sure.

    I spent my teens near Maynooth, where some of his family live, and he was an real inspiration to me personally and many others I'm sure.

    Incredible story of resolve, a natural born outdoorsman and all around good person. 

    • Like 1
  6. Good morning and thanks for the reply,

    For me personally, I'm not overly concerned about people recognizing landmarks or IDing location through background because for the most part any photos I take don't include a background, usually they just consist of fish, water and one or all of rocks, wood, and veg.

    In the event someone I am fishing with wants a quick pic of themselves and their fish I have no issue though and if I am posting it I will learn to blur the background as you suggested for sure.

    My real worry was the fact I never even considered the concept of being able to get GPS coordinates through a a posted photo until it was mentioned to me. 

    I do wonder though if that is over paranoid on my part to worry about or even how common a practice it actually is.

    Have a good one. 



  7. Glad to hear!

    Lifts on my home rivers have also been cancelled since it started and its a relief to hear the clubs, volunteers, and hatcheries have a chance to get back to doing what they can to aid in sustaining such a great fishery.

    I always look forward to getting my little nephews out to watch and help even if its just litter pickup for them so far.

    Its a great intro to the outdoors and conservation in general for young guns.

    Good luck and please update with how things are looking out that way this year!

    • Like 1
  8. I am a pure rookie with computers and I resisted all social media as long as possible but it has finally become apparent to this stubborn angler that in order for my business to continue to grow and succeed to any degree in this day and age I must give it in and develop myself at least some kind of "online presence".

    Trip reports will start to flow soon and once I get a few more tutorials from my computer savvy wife pics will be added to my arsenal for sure.

    While I'm at it though could anyone explain what it means when someone tells me be careful posting pics because they are embedded with data and exact locations they were taken can be determined?

    Any validity to this?

    If so is there a way to "unembed"?

    Thanks all. 

  9. Thanks all, appreciate it.

    I am anxiously awaiting top water bass and pike seasons.

    In the meantime I will chase bows quietly and away from the crowds...

    With limited fishable water till opener I sacrifice numbers fishing the water that most aren't interested in but it's a better overall experience to me personally.

    Are there any fly guys that regularly contribute here?

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