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Everything posted by auger

  1. hey all made it out to check the conditions today ...with poppa, ratherbe ,icepick we punched 30 holes or more and found the ice to be a consistant...10" clear and 6" white.... the shoreline was still tight and about 10 huts total out there.... with the forcast we should be still okay by next sat..... I will update the ice probably ...wed...and friday...this week....so check back so I will say we are a go....(update reports pending)] for the 28th.... here are a few shots as of today....though we marked a few fish on two finders and a marcum ....but so finicky....they were.... ratherbe coaxed one up from 60' to follow his lure to right below the hole.... even got a look at the fish in his hole.....and it still didnt bite...... poppa and I figured on saving it up for game day....and not catching any today..... ratherbe was still practicing when I left.... Icepick and his fish..... and a few shots of the bay.... and everyone practicing, hope you can make it out still drillin Auger
  2. hey guys....sorry you missed out this winter.....alot of it was by word of mouth....and by cross boards jumping.... the whole thing was put together is a very short time.... I joined here and posted here because a few of your members came and attended... we will be starting up a thread on this a lot earlier next winter...and with any luck each board will have someone they can appoint to do the organizing for their team with repect to this event.... this year we had members from or invited from Fish Ontario. kawartha Anglers lake simcoe board scugog board ontario trophy fishing Ontario fishing net New age angler year round fishing fishing world fish on line .ca and surprizingly even some non board members who seen us out there and wanted to join in... I look forward to the O.F.C putting their expertise together and showing up to give the rest of a run for our money..... Auger
  3. hey steelheadrmatt.....thanks for coming out and representing the OFC along with iceguy..... Those sunny days are hard fishing when it come to lakers.....and easy to get a sunburn on the face..... I hope you guys can field an even bigger team for next years event......and go for that sweet bragging rites trophy..... thanks again Auger
  4. hey all..... wow....what a day... first off I would like to thank all who attended.....and made the day a special one for sure.... we had a great turnout....with 64 people in attendance from 6 different fishing forums......and a few walk ins..who just wanted to see what we were all about....the O.F.C was represented by 2 members even though the posts didnt get here in time.....hopefully you will all get a chance to attend next years event....and field the team to beat..... the days started off cold at minus 13 but warmed up to plus 2 before the meet and greet ended.... the fish could have co-operated a little more though many were seen on the finders throughout the day....and had lock jaw... in total 14 fish were caught off the species list and a few other like ling ,perch and smelt....were also caught.... the boys with the most experience in Miners bay schooled the rest of us on how whitefish can win you a fishing derby,,,,,,way to go Shawn(2.9lb whitie) and Hot dave...(.1.5 lbs whitie) and sparkie's 1lb laker held on all day to take 3rd place....way to go buddy the kids didnt manage to ice any fish but all did good in the draws that were held after the whistle sounded...... there was enough food to feed a small army.....and special thanks goes out to all who donated food and their fishing time to cooking for the rest of us.... no one went hungry for sure.... it was definitely a pleasure to fish with all the guys and gals....some new face and some old....and with all the guys and gal from other boards who attended..... I hope in the future we will have an even bigger turnout from the other boards that exist in Ontario....or where ever they happen to come from.... well thats the wrap up of the first annual INTER-BOARD challenge... thank you to all of you who attended and helped out so much to make the day a sucess......... here are some shots of the day and those in attendance.... thanks again still fishin Auger
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