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Posts posted by TroutLivesMatter

  1. Hey all, so ive recently started to fish again at 28 years old... i fished quite a bit as a kid but mostly typical worm and bobber type stuff usually at algonquin park area.

    Ive been at it for a few weeks now.... watching video after video on youtube, soaking up every bit of knowledge that comes to me, and have decided that all i really want to do is catch trout, any size, any kind..

    so ive bought a pair of waders and have been walking up and down creeks every wrong word day (union electrician, waiting on job call) and all i seem to be catching is wrong word creek chubs! If anyone could offer me some sound advice or tips i would greatly appreciate anything.

    ive been using basically pink worms, mouse tails, roe, little spinners, even night crawlers....do i just suck at fishing? ?

    btw im in the hamilton area and have been going to places within 30-45min drive range.

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