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About splawik

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    Toront/ French River

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  1. Thanks for the info. I'm almost on my way . I'll post the report from the weekend. Thanks again
  2. I never attempted to take a slime sample as this was bound to be released asap. We snapped few pictures and let her go. Nice info's on the subject from you guys, thanks. I'll approach the local ranger when I see him and ask.
  3. I went trough that already. Someone mentioned that they're getting caught few times a year on Nippising. I catch eyes on the weekly basis and I never got one like that.
  4. It was on the French River near Horseshoe Bay entrance. http://lh5.ggpht.com/_7sOXXs-zYzg/TIBU9ObgsKI/AAAAAAAAABg/iSVfQgenyfw/s800/Blue%20Walleye1-7-1.jpg http://lh4.ggpht.com/_7sOXXs-zYzg/TIBU6JIroZI/AAAAAAAAABU/MwzGnsOBzms/s800/Blue%20Walleye1-10-1.jpg http://lh5.ggpht.com/_7sOXXs-zYzg/TIBU9xvRAOI/AAAAAAAAABk/EcU_YtAy8YA/s800/Blue%20Walleye1-6-1.jpg http://lh3.ggpht.com/_7sOXXs-zYzg/TIBVCgbwLaI/AAAAAAAAAB8/wYya0xGuzlc/s800/Blue%20Walleye1-2-1.jpg
  5. Thanks a lot. I've got a cabin on the east side of 69 and for that reason I stopped venturing out to the other areas. Any "hidden surprises" in the area out in the open? here on Dry Pine Bay we're about 2 feet down from the usual levels. Thanks again.
  6. I got this one two weeks ago. It's a 26 incher caught on Zara Spook at 6:30PM. The question is - why is it so blue? http://lh4.ggpht.com/_7sOXXs-zYzg/TIBVBKtvsjI/AAAAAAAAAB0/xMjsr_zuVrc/s800/Blue%20Walleye.jpg http://lh6.ggpht.com/_7sOXXs-zYzg/TIBVB3ImfEI/AAAAAAAAAB4/Co1ojqx9iwM/s800/Blue%20Walleye1-1.jpg
  7. Hello gents, As silly that might sound here it is. I’ve been going to the French River for almost 20 years, almost every weekend. Hartley Bay and east of 69 I know like I was born there, but this weekend we decided to move the boat to the Wolesley Bay. I’ve been there few times but always used the rental boats or launched at the resort that we stayed at. This time around, I’ll be joining my friends that are staying at the Pine Cove but for whatever reason I can’t launch or keep my boat overnight there. The question is, is there a public launch or resort that will allow me to launch my boat at the first light on Saturday? Any help greatly appreciated. Sam
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