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Posts posted by Got2Bite

  1. While launching the boat I have often wondered what fish swim around the ramps.

    A couple of years ago a buddy posted a picture in another forum of a portable ice hut on the Credit River around Lakeshore Blvd (that year we had 18 inches of ice on Simcoe in March).   That image is still in my mind.   I have seen a few tv shows and Youtube videos of guys ice fishing marinas for bows and browns in the States,  I have even seen videos of guys fishing Hamilton Harbour.

    While I am looking forward to this years ice fishing season, mainly chasing Jumbos on Simcoe, I wouldn't mind testing the harbours and marina's close to home (Oakville/Mississauga) after work for a few hours.  I am thinking its an untouched winter fishery.

    Has anyone tried ice fishing Lake Ontario's North Shore harbours/marinas and what did you catch?

  2. I talked to one of the guys who worked at the Mississauga store a few months ago and he heard from some of the former manager of the Markham store that he and a few others were looking to open a store at that location, so I guess they did.   Good on them.

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