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Posts posted by bigboy99

  1. That's called snagging bigboy. Tail, body or mouth it technically is snagging. I would doubt you could do it anyway. One would have to be good with a rod and line to "snag" a fish in the mouth. Besides that I think it isn't very sporting and not in the spirit of sportsmanship. If you miss the mouth and caught the fish in the body what would you call that? If I saw you do what you propose I would turn you in buddy. I think you have come to the wrong forum, want to start over again?


    This is a joke right, who posted this?

    I agree with you. If it's illegal, I would report the individual myself :)



    I think your response is a little much, just like many of your out of this world posts. You seem to use this forum to vent on other people. I believe it is snagging, but if you didn't know why wouldn't you ask someone that does? Much better then going and doing it with out asking. I would call the MNR and ask them, as in matters like this you should ask the authorities,instead of listening to someones opinions.

    Thanks for your reply. Yes, I will call the Ministry to get it cleared.



    If you can get the hook into its mouth, then it's legally caught. Trouble is, most guys that employ this approach can't get it into the mouth, it catches on the outside of the mouth on the side of the fish opposite the angler so it's not "in the mouth" but on the outside of the mouth. From a distance it looks pretty legit, and in my youth I could line chinooks with the best of them! Lots of folks who fish regularily consider it a shady practice but then there are guys float fishing with long leaders in pools full of salmon that are doing the exact same thing. In reality the fish that make it to what I'll call "lining water" are usually so focused on spawning that they really aren't interested in that piece of delicious pink sponge you just presented to them, so folks need to face facts that they aren't really biting the hook. They do hit pretty well in the lower sections of River though and big spawn bags or chunks of skein takes fish fair and square. Anyway, shallow water chinooks just aren't near as fun as estuary fish or staging fish, but it's the most accessible location for people without boats, so have atter I guess. God knows I did a ton of it as a kid!

    I have seen a gentleman actually go in front of the fish and guide the bait in the mouth. I guess it can be done with some try. But, if the practice is legit then it's ok. I am just confused by people trying so many things and reading about all the illegal fishing activities in the news, I will call the ministry to confirm. Thanks everyone.

  2. Hello Everyone, my first post here to get some knowledge from the good anglers of Ontario. I am very intested in fishing for Salmon this year and wanted to know if the following method is considered legal. I understand that snagging salmon is illegal but someone was telling me that if you are able to guide the bait into the mouth of the salmon and hook it then it is ok. I feel that the only time this can be done is in very shallow water when the salmon can be spotted. Would guiding the bait into the mouth of the salmon after spotting it in shallow water considered legal?

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