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About Huntress87

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  1. Thank you for the info ....I'm most likely going to head up in September so I can still catch the pink and Atlantic salmon, I might be alittle late but it's worth a shot... thanks again for the great tips
  2. Awesome thank you for the contact tip
  3. Hey everyone I'm new to the board but have been an avid fisherman for a long time... Im planning on heading up to Sault Ste. Marie the first week of October to target trout and salmon.. Its going to be a 9 hour drive me so I was hoping someone could help point me in the right direction and possibly give me a couple tips on the area and where to fish. I'll be float fishing and tossing spoons and help is appreciated... thanks ?
  4. Hey everyone I'm new to the board but have been an avid fisherman for a long time... Im planning on heading up to Sault Ste. Marie the first week of October to target trout and salmon.. Its going to be a 9 hour drive me so I was hoping someone could help point me in the right direction and possibly give me a couple tips on the area and where to fish. I'll be float fishing and tossing spoons and help is appreciated... thanks ?
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