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Posts posted by tibbs

  1. Hi Everyone!


    Hope all you guys and gals have had a great trout opener. :Gonefishing:


    I personally had my best trout opener ever!


    On Friday night I got all my gear ready and couldn't wait to head out the next day.


    I left the house at 5 am and got to the creek an hour later.


    On my first drift I hooked into a steelhead!




    I caught a few yearling trout and then decided to move a little further upstream to the next pool.


    The first drift at the new pool resulted in me hooking into my first ever brown trout.




    A few more casts later I hooked into a decent steelie. While I was fighting it, the screw on my islander fell out and I subsequently lost the fish. I looked for the screw but couldn't find it. So I went back to the car to get my spare reel.


    I ran back to my pool and started fishing again. For literally for two hours I caught a fish on every single drift! I didn't take pics of all the fish I landed.


































    At around 10 am the fishing slowed down and I thought I may as well leave on a good note.


    My hands were numb and I was soaked down to the bone, but I didn't care. It was worth every minute.

  2. I had a great day as well!!!


    For about two hours, I caught a fish on every drift!


    Only bad thing that happened today was that the screw on my Islander fell out yet and I couldn't find it. :(


    Good thing I brought a spare reel!!! B)

  3. great report Tibbs.... keep em coming pls


    Thanks Splashhopper. Hopefully I'll be able to get out for trout opener


    Great to have you out again.Good luck at school and have a good summer.


    Thanks Steve. Have a great fishing trip this spring.

  4. Thanks Everyone!


    what are the costs to do that?


    Here's Steve's website: Angler's Way



    Nice cats Tibbs! I've been out with Steve before too. He sure knows that section of water for big cats. Congrats on getting into WLU. I did my undergrad just down the street at Univ. of Waterloo.


    Thanks. He showed me the article you did for Real Fishing Magazine on cat fishing the Grand. :)

  5. Grand River Fishing


    Hi everybody!


    I hope everyone has caught lots of fish since the new year!


    I've been itching to go out fishing lately, but haven't had the time since school work's been clogging all my weekends. :(


    I decided to try something different and wanted headed out on the Grand River for some cat fish. I sent some e-mails to Steve Piggott of Angler's Way and booked a trip this past Saturday. I went fishing with Steve about a year and a half ago on the Niagara River for steelhead. I caught my personal best steelhead on that trip and I even landed a sturgeon! :thumbsup_anim:


    As always I was excited to get out fishing, and didn't sleep well the night before the trip.


    I went to Steve's house and from there we proceeded to the river.


    This was my first glimpse of the Grand River that morning.




    It wasn't till the afternoon that we hooked the first cat. The fish had been nibbling on the bait for the longest time till the circle hook finally got it. It wasn't the biggest cat, but it was my first ever.




    After that fish Steve re-baited both hooks with sucker meat and not five minutes later another cat was hooked. I could feel this one was larger.








    It weighed in at 13 lbs.


    After that fish, the action slowed right back down. We tried a few new spots, but to no avail. I called it a day.


    The fishing was slow there was no doubt about that, but it wasn't from a lack of trying on Steve's part. No one seemed to be catching much from what I saw. I would highly recommend Steve Piggott if your looking for a trip on the Grand or Niagara River. He's not only a great fishing guide, but a great person as well.


    Even though we didn't land many fish, I still had a "grand ol' time". I caught my first channel cat and my personal best cat. But most importantly, it was great to be out on the water again.




    This year is my final year of high school. It's been a difficult school year in terms of the amount of work I have had. I applied to a number of universities in Ontario this past winter. My number one choice was Laurier University for their BBA program. I didn't think I would get in since you needed an 87%+ average. However I worked hard and as a result got early acceptance this past March! Looks like I'll be moving there next fall. :good:


    I can't wait till I get out of Toronto. :thumbsup_anim:


    Hopefully I can meet some of the OFC crew and go fishing with you next year! Just PM me if you want a fishing partner!


    Thanks for reading!! :Gonefishing:

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