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About blue

  • Birthday 08/02/1967

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  • Interests
    fishing for pike, walleye, bass, muskie

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  1. blue


    thanks guys for all your replying, I already feel great friendships on the way. I'm loving it here and can't wait for the nice weather. Man it snows up here a lot..lol I'm going to start searching google earth see if I could find some secluded lakes and start planning. I know it's still early but I can't I wait. Take it easy guys.
  2. blue


    Hey guys, I'm new here and new to the area and wanted to say hi and hopefully meet some new friends. I'll tell you a bit about my situation and get a laugh and some advice. I moved here to Barrie the end of last summer. I have a brother that lives here and he been trying to get me out here for years. He was ecstatic when me and the wife finally decided to make the move. Anyway when we did arrive it was late summer and he wanted to bring me fishing. I fished most of my life but never and I mean never did I ever see my brother fish. I was in shock that he ask me to go fishing. I laughed actually. He told me he been fishing for the last two years and loves it. I asked if he ever caught anything and he says yaaaa all the time. So I said great lets go, he says he has a spot up near Severn. So im thinking great this is going to be good. So on the weekend I get my gear and show up at his house. . I had my big tackle box, half decent rod, baseball hat, sunglasses ect...ready to fish. He comes out with nice pants and top on, no hat and he's carrying a little bity tackle box that fits in his palm and at least a 10 ft fishing rod with a little bitty tiny ice fishing reel on it. Omg! I had to laugh...I laughed way to hard actually. I knew right then that this was going to be a long day. Anyway we get there and I'm watching him and he asks me what lures I have. I open my box and show him and he picks out about a 6 inch rapala. I'm looking at him with a smirk and he says WHAT. I know what im doing. LOL. I said ok and I cast my line. I'm watching him out the corner of my eye and he casts and leaves the line in the water like he is still fishing...OMG I was dying inside. I didn't say anything. A few hours go by and I caught a few bass and he hasn't caught anything...lmao. I finally did tell him and we laugh and laugh and he finally confess that he doesn't fish but would like to learn how and that he wanted to just get out and do things with me. Anyway I want to bring him real fishing this spring. I went out and bought a jon boat and putting a floor in it this month. I would like to find a nice secluded lake where there is good size pike or muskie and watch him crap his pants bringing it in..lmao...If you guys know anyway that would be much appreciated. I'll give you pics or maybe a video when he does catch a giant..lmao this will definitely be funny. Take care guys.
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