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About drebassin

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  1. Awesome, thanks Dave. That gives us a backup plan if Big Otter Creek is a little too high.
  2. Yea, I figured most people would be tight lipped about location info and that's fine. Was more looking for feedback on my setup. I have a couple places in mind from searching Google Earth and of a few spots I've seen from driving around the area previously. Water levels don't look off the charts or anything but it does seem to be moving quite fast. Guess we'll just have to see what we find once we make the trek down there.
  3. Hey everyone! New to the fishing scene - both this forum and on the water. Last year was my first year out in well over a decade and truly enjoyed each time out on the water and reading and learning as much as I could from forums, videos, and local fishermen like all of you. This year is my first attempt at "real" trout. (My dad and I used to fit stocked trout farm ponds back in the day.) I've talked my dad into picking up a rod again and joining me. We're going to make a day of it this week at Big Otter Creek near Tillsonburg. I know with all the rain we've got that the water is going to be high, fast and resembling chocolate milk. It'll be tough fishing I'm sure but it'll just be fun to get out there with the old man. Now my real question is how do I insure we've got the best chance possible to get on a fish or four. Could I get some input on my approach? Any tips on location or what to look for while out on the creek. My Approach: So I've got some neoprene waders that can get me out there a ways but my dad will likely be fishing from shore. We'll have three rods total. All spinning gear and light rods. Setup 1: Small-ish Hook, Split shot or weight connected after swivel for Powerbait, worms or Roe. Setup 2: Small-ish Hook, split shot and a slip bob for worms or roe. Setup 3: Spinning setup: swivel + small spinners. I'm thinking with this setup we should cover some basis but definitely open to suggestions before I get all rigged up and hit the creek. Thanks in advance! D
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