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  • Birthday 08/15/1978

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  1. Actually thinking about getting my float rating this Summer depending on how the government feels about giving some of my money back...so most likely it will have to wait. The area looks like a great place to building time on floats. The pic is just one I borrowed from the net.
  2. Thank you all for the advice, at least I know now that I will not be stepping on anyones toes out there. We will be sure to keep a wide bearth around others out there and not make too much noise. Hope to see some of you out there. irishfield are you an AV8OR as well?
  3. Good day all, I am new to the group and new to ice fishing in general. My wife and I have her brother visiting for a couple of days and he wants to go ice fishing, as do I. I have been in North Bay for just over a year now and feel pretty comfortable on the ice in my jeep around the Calander area but just wanted to quickly ask if it considered wrong or offensive to just go out on the lake and try and find an existing hole to use as I do not have an auger or access to one. I dont want to be one of those people that others glare at for doing something that is completly inapropriate. I know the best way would be to rent a hut and go all out but none of us can afford that and we just want to try it out and start to learn. Any advice/warnings or general tips would be much appreciated, thanks and happy fishing!!
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