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Posts posted by LeafsFan

  1. As big as that alligator gar is in the picture? It may have trouble taking a really big carp, their mouths aren't designed for it, they are also not designed like a shark, where they could bite off pieces. If they help control the population of smaller ones that grow into big ones? Why not?


    There is another article out there that they indicated there was very little the gar would do to the large ones, but the smaller ones would become food very quickly and it would lessen the numbers of the carp, specifically the bigger ones as there are less little ones to grow.


    Myself I would be a fan of this idea, but I also want to make it down to Texas to try and wrangle one of these monsters.



  2. The only reason I am thinking numbers are down is because we have fished every inch of the shoreline in the waterbody except for where the fine folks at hydro prefer you not wander, this past week ... water temps may have been a factor due to the heat, but the previous outings were less productive and that would have been just when the pike season opened.

  3. go to the news they love this stuff not sure if Silverman or the like are around anymore but make it seen :D


    The TO Sun was all over a story that involved a friend's family ... in part because they got to slam the feds with the story ... it ran about a month or two after they initially sat down and spoke with a Sun reporter .... but the Sun would probably love something like this.

  4. I can relate with lower number of fish. But I'm gonna say that it might have to do more with fish moving to different spots on a body of water. Underwater composition or structure could change. Perhaps, more or less weed growth that would affect bait fish and in turn affect where fish will be. Sure, fish have been known to congregate in certain spots, but they are capable swimmers and can go anywhere.


    I was somewhat thinking it was a possibility, but when pike first opened we could not find the quantity, we fished an area they are known to spawn in and where there was drop offs and we only picked up a few, even drifting chub minnows through areas we could not entice a hit, the body of water we fish is not large, but it has every kind of water (fast, slow, non-moving) and we fished it all ...

  5. Greetings all,


    Any fellow southern Ontario anglers noticing fish populations being down?


    The few areas I fish in Niagara seem to have a significantly lower fish population when it comes to bass, pike, and even muskie.


    This year we are fishing the same spots as previous years, using the same baits, and the same rods ... nothing has changed on our end, and the structure we fish is still very similar to last year, but the best day we have had is a 5 fish day between the two of us that fish compared to previous years where we would average 5 pike each and then as assortment of bass. I probably put 18 hours on one small water body with a buddy this past week and at best we had 1 pike and 4 bass, wheres previous years with that much time (fishing evenings due to the heat) we could have easily had double digits each for pike and we would not even count the bass because of how many there were ... we keep 0. Talking to others, not many are catching fish.


    I plan to write the MNR with exact details but was initially curious if anyone else fishing Southern Ontario has noticed if their numbers are down huge as well and if there is a reason for it ...


    The only item I can think of it that carp have taken a liking to fish eggs as the carp population has grown a lot over the past few years.

  6. I use a product called TOUGHGUY 9500 degreaser, it gets everything off of the vehicle and is available through Acklands Grainger ... I think Wal-Mart carries a different version (a less concentrated version) ... mix it with water (25% product), spray it on the vehicle and then pressure wash it off. Acklands is a little over priced unless you have access to a corporate discount though. Careful on how long you let it sit as it will make some things look not as nice (such as rims) but it does the job for me on the work vehicle which is often caked in mud and bugs.

  7. Did my first carp trip of the year yesterday. Was slower than what I'm used to for this time of year but got into some nice fish. Ended the day by taking a selfie.LOL



    Special camera for that effect? Or is it an attachment/selfie stick for any camera? Amazing photo!

  8. Unlike the NHL, but similarly like MLB there is no money for a Canadian team to make it out of the first round. Sure ratings for the raptors would be huge in Canada if they made it to the finals, but the NBA would much prefer to have an American finals so there will one interest on a national level (especially if it is at least one of the major city teams.


    Having watched parts of most games, it seems that the following fits the bill ...


    Was the foul against Toronto? Yes. Was it really a foul? I mean really, it was more embellishment by Toronto than anything, so do not call it.


    Was the foul against Toronto's opposition? Yes. Call it. The great game of basketball has no room for this nonsense.

  9. So another long weekend is upon us and the driving in Niagara is awful. I have been lucky enough travel through most of the US and Canada with a previous job, and my current job puts in me into Alberta when I am working. In Alberta I think I might have had to honk once or twice this year, but in Niagara I have had to honk every day to let people know HI I AM HERE.


    Nowhere compares to how bad the driving seems to be getting in Niagara, give me NYC, Boston, San Fran, or Texas any day of the week.


    Thankfully I only have to drive in Niagara for a week out of the month, maybe two weeks at most. The following are violations I see every day (not including speeding).

    • Red light running (past the point of even lying to yourself it was yellow)
    • No signal use
    • Turning into the wrong lane (not the lane the lines indicate you need to)

    And the kicker now seems to be the e-bikes (AKA the "I got busted for a DUI but still drive so HA"). No license is required, no plates are needed, and no insurance is needed (to my understanding). These bikes are becoming a menace in Niagara, since they lack proper lighting (I have to give it to cyclists, at least they put on proper lighting as a whole in Niagara). I have seen people ride the e-bikes on the sidewalks, side of the road, and down the middle of the traffic lane (of which they have trouble maintaining 50 kilometers an hour).


    Are any communities outside of Niagara experiencing the e-bikes issue or find driving is getting significantly worse? I am at the point where I think red light cameras and speed cameras might actually be useful (as long as they are not setup like they have been in Alberta).


    I will admit I used to be an awful driver when I first got my license, but after getting pulled over one night (10 years ago) where the cop was exceptionally kind (the $65 ticket was a massive sigh of relief), I made it my mission to be conscious of all traffic rules/regulations and to pay attention to speed limits.

  10. http://firesmoke.ca/forecasts/viewer/run/ops/BSC00CA12/current/


    A cool site showing the expected smoke patterns from the fires.


    The NDP has outlayed a plan to get people back in June 1st ... but of course there is the caveat IF THINGS CHANGE THE PLAN CHANGES ... I think that is well wishing, some neighborhoods might be safe but who would really want to return with an inferno surrounding the city, the smoke, the chemicals in the air from everything that has burnt ... there is a lot of air quality monitoring going on.


    If anyone on the board here is looking for a quick buck and going to make a run out there for the massive cleanup that multiple companies are hiring for ... ask WHAT SAFETY MEASURES ARE YOU GOING TO GIVE ME ... if you are not getting a proper respirator mask that filters more than dust, it will not be worth it.

  11. To assist in the Fort Mac area they need a few solid days of overcast and rain (lightening pulls the helicopters and water bombers out of the sky). A few hours of rain won't do much with how dry everything is.


    The Alberta Government does a great job with communication on wildfires that fall into forrestry zones.




    A regular update exists at this link on the Fort McMurray zone, updated daily (almost) on progress or actions.



  12. There is a lot of misinformation out there right now since many of the news outlets are relying on people's social media accounts. I saw one posting of a video of people supposedly driving through the fire in Fort Mac that definitely was not from this current fire.


    It is bad, I am 150 km away from that mess right now, but when the winds change, the smoke blows in, and the sun or moon turns blood red.


    With how dry everything is up here, there is not much they can do except for building a dozer guard (where they use dozers to push and move everything that may catch fire for the most part, taking away fuel). Many of the major oil companies have massive areas of gravel around their facilities to help with a fire guard to protect their infrastructure, much less around many of the third party camps or smaller operations though.

  13. I have not purchased any new gear in quite a few years (at least 10 years), I am happy with my rods and reels for the most part, but after doing some reading I am thinking I need to obtain a baitrunner.


    So I currently run a Pflueger President (unsure of the exact model) as my main reel, however it has taken a few dives into the lake due to some carp hitting and running faster than I was prepared for over the years, which has me thinking it is time for a baitrunner.


    I can't find much useful information to assist me with my search for what I need. For the most part the reel will be used for carp, catfish, and potentially pike if my honey hole for chubs has some, then it will be all about floating a chub. I am looking for something with a large capacity for the spools. Depending on how it handles it could push the President aside if casting abilities are good for spinner baits.


    I am looking for honest opinions on any models or brands, this question got posted on another forum with very little useful info provided.


    Thanks in advance,

  14. The whole suspension thing became a joke, I mean how is Jose getting one game ... Gibby I understand since it is in the rules ...


    Watching some jays game I get the sense that MLB does not want the jays anywhere near the post season with some strike zones, and now the suspensions help my thoughts on this one.


    8 games for the Odor is an absolute joke .... it would be the equivalent of a 4 game suspension in hockey or basketball.


    Mind you the jays management group is smiling at this and the past few games ... going to make them sellers, and then we can revert back to a large market but small budget team.

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