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About cdog

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  1. Just wanted to thank everyone who weighed in with the tips and advice... This musky thing is becoming an obsession!! lol I love it, but man do I dream a lot about landing one!!! lol..
  2. I totally agree and respect that! I was just kidding...
  3. Thanks for the tip for walleye as I'll be trying to catch lunch or supper!! I'll be staying at the fishtale campground so I hope they'll have a map or something...
  4. Lol.. I hope you followed them... I would have!!
  5. I think I will try to go to the five fingers... what the heck!! so much appreciate all the advice from you members!! I will definitely post my experience when I get back, and give any tips I can to help anyone out!! This board rocks!
  6. Thanks for the navigation Rich Clemens so much appreciated... I've been looking at videos on youtube of the area and totally know what youre talking about... By the way.. apparently the guide up there is Andy Pappas... I watched the fishtv videos and theres a really good fly fishing video with Andy in it... good tips ... I need all the help I can get!! lol
  7. Thanks so much for warnings Tom... I think I'm going to cruise around with my troll motor for most of the first day and I have GPS capability so I will lay down weypoints as I go along. I've been looking at videos from the local guide there and am getting super stoked!! Is there a closer rapid other then 5 fingers...maybe more accessible for a first timer? I'm so hoping I can land a trophy!! Please Lord Please...!!!! lol
  8. I tried lake St. Clair and got skunked... Didnt have any planer boards as we learned thats what you need to catch lots...lol
  9. Thanks for the pointers Tom, I'm running a 75 horse yamaha with a 70 pound thrust troll motor... How long do you think it would take me to get there with that kid of a motor? also is there any depth maps I can get my hands on? I'm paranoid about banging up my prop?
  10. Hello, My name is Colin and I'm new to the board... greetings everyone! I'm heading up to Fish tale Cabins ( right next to Wolseley Lodge) on September 14 - 16. trying to get a gage on how the fishing is up there.. With water levels low and such hot weather, what tactics do you recommend I use? It's my first time up there and want to be as productive as possible... How did the labor day fishing expedition go hoops 12 ( if you don't mind sharing) . Any help would be welcome on my quest to get my first Musky!!
  11. Hi, New to the board. Was out there yesterday.. managed to put 3 pike on the ice.. It was cracking like crazy, lots of ice though... Anyone else experience it?
  12. Awesome vid!!! where did you guys launch from ?
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