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About darius

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Minnow (2/10)



  1. Hey guys is water getting any better at Queenston or whirepool. I was thinking of trying tuseday. Hoping for at least 3 4 feet lol... Thank you for any help
  2. I love trout fishing and i heard there is nice rivers around Quebec. Did anyone ever go trout fishing in that area?? I tried to look on line but couldnt find any specific rivers. I am planing on going in about 2 3 weeks. Thank you for any help
  3. Can anyone tell me where i can go for some brookies specs and browns. I live in hamilton but i dont mind to travel 1 or 2 hours if its a good spot,
  4. Hey guys does anyone know hows fishing at maitland river. I want to go give it a try. Is it worthed going from Hamilton ?? I have been going to niagra but its always dirty i am getting sick of it. Thank you
  5. eheeh sorry that was WATER
  6. Anyone know hows the wather at queenston niagara Thankx
  7. Hey i went this morning and it was mud 2 or 3 people fishing. I went to Port D stayed for 5 min and went home . Winds were too strong.
  8. Hey way to go bud Where is the place u went to if its not a secret Thankx
  9. Hey does anybody know hows the wather at niagra (queenston ramp) considering all these high winds Thank you
  10. Hey Did anyone ever go fly-in fishing for trout. How is it and is it expensive. I am thinking on going in summer time with friends.
  11. Hey guys does anyone know how's the wather at niagara because of all this rain and winds. I was thinking of going saturday morning. Thank you
  12. Thank you for replying i went to niagara and it is mud right now. I just wanted to try fishing somewhere else. By the way i live in Hamilton so any places whithin 2 3 hours drive is alright. Thanks
  13. Hey guys i am new to this site. I was just wondering if anybody knows any good trout fishing places that are open all year. Lakes, creeks, rivers anythin like that . Thank you all very much
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