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About Dev-wheeler92

  • Birthday 03/19/1992

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  1. Two weekends ago went to a friends property on the maskinoge to do some carp fishing where I had greats luck! Last year I didn't catch many there but I did catch my biggest carp yet and as any carp fisher man/ woman knows gives a amazing fight and deserves a lot more respect then they get. I started Saturday around ten and seen tons of what we like to call carp bubbles in front of the dock so me and my buddy baited out hooks with some no name peaches and cream corn, casted out about six feet from the dock, chummed around our hooks and began the long wait for first bite. Around 12:00 we got our first bite which resulted in a loss of the carp due to low pound line and a bad rod ( I gave my good rod to my buddy and used my bad rod). After loosing the first carp of the year I went to the truck and grabbed the girlfriends brand new rod that I had just spooled and she has not yet used and went back to catch my carp. After a half an hour of catching small mud cats my line finally went slack and I knew I had a carp on so I reeled in the line and set hook... Fish on!!!! I fought it for about two minutes got it to the dock and my first carp of 2015 was in hands. Pictures were taking he was released and back at it I went and loosing two more I was really disappointed until I seen the line moving slowly and at the last second I realized that I have another fish so as I went to grab the rod it got pulled into the water! In disappointment I cussed a lot and pretty much gave up for the day. I called my best bud Gallie and told him what happened and that I was giving up and going to buy the girlfriend a new rod. After five minutes of him telling me to put a heavy weight with a treble hook and cast around trying to catch the rod I finally agreed and listened to his advice. After the third cast I felt something heavy( and with 50 lb braid I cranked the drag) I reeled in a thick peice of wire and at the end was the rod I had lost! I grabbed the rod cleaned it up a bit and noticed there was weight on the end so I reeled in and bam! The carp was still on the hook! Got some good pics and ended the day with nothing but smiles!... The next weekend I went back out with two buddy's and ended up pulling in a large amount of carp during mid day. The afternoon got really slow and we all felt like quiting until I notice my friends line moving very slowly (Brett fish on I yelled) he grabbed his rod and started fighting but it wasn't the same fight as a carp not as much strength and with polarized glasses I notice it wasn't a carp but a bowfin. He got the bowfin in and which was very exciting due to the fact we didn't catch anything for hours and I've never seen one before( exspecially with the neon green belly). All in all a great two weekends fishing P.s pics are to big to load on so I'll have to add them to my album tomorrow
  2. Hey names Devin. I love fishing started 4 years ago and am hooked. Favourite fish are pike and musky but also do a lot of salmon and carp fishing
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