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About jdlivewell

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  1. Heading down to Picton on the weekend and staying overnight. Planning to leave the boat in the water but temp is suppose to go below zero. : Will it be OK over night or should I take it out, and let the water drain out?
  2. We were there on Friday only managed 2 fish a 5lb and a 8 lb. Both came on riggers down 40+. seen boats who were catching fish after fish down by the lighthouse on the south side. But it looked like there were catching them on dipsys down deep. Going to try one last tine this weekend before putting the boat away.
  3. Does thrust washers wear out? Put on a new prop and found that it seams to go on the shaft more then then the old one. Also when I spin the prop it tends to rub on the housing a little at one point. There don't seem to be any play in the shaft side to side or up and down, but there is a little play in and out, is that normal? I know these sounds a little dirty but no other way to say it.
  4. So when it says to put out 80 feet of 10 lb line to reach 20 feet down how much more line do I put out using 20 lb test to reach the same depth?
  5. I like to run a Yo-Zuri DD 7/8 oz 20 feet down at the bay but on 20 lb test. The chart only gives values for 10 lb test and I am not shure how to use the comversion chart. I to have the 8th edition. Heading there tomorrow any help would be great. thanks
  6. Do anyone know how to use the Line conversion chart in the Precision Trolling hand book for using a larger lb test line. I know how to read the chart to get the corresponding value but what do you do with that number? IE 20lb test Mono for 20 feet down gives me a number of 17 ?? Thanks
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