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Posts posted by acmarou

  1. Dave, I'd like to see you with a center pin in your hand (Maybe that would make for a good episode for Facts of Fishing)




    I'll second that!!! I saw Dave flyfishing last week, or the week before, and couldn't believe my eyes. Pretty cool seeing him wave that fairy wand and nailing fish!! :lol: :lol: I'd love to see him with a centrepin. I'm sure he'd figure it out in no time and teach some of us something as well.

  2. Habs stole that game....suck it LEAFS! and I hope you guys enjoy Komi gettin 8 penalties LOL what a loser


    You should seek therapy my friend. Anyone that uses the word suck and loser as often as you do has a serious problem. Your parents must have raised you right by leaving you alone with no friends. :lol: :lol:

  3. East - Boston


    West - Chicago


    Cup- Blackhawks


    I'm surprised nobody is picking the Pens! I guess it's the "New NHL" Anyone can win!


    Detroit will always contend!! I'm a Leaf fan and it's getting close to game time so any Habs fans can KMA!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: GO LEAFS GO!!!!!!!!!

  4. LOU REED. A GIFT YA P....


    Excuse me while I wipe the tears from my face. Don't know why , but when I see F18's across my balcony. It


    makes me proud and 10 ft Tall so don't mess with me.


    I'm being polite


    I'll enjoy the air show for now







  5. NF But I thought we could use a break. Don't know how to get it off U Tube. A GIFT!! The cops will be here soon.


    I want to dedicate this to all the old farts. Please play it (young guns). Yup, I'm about to be cuffedjklho87999999i

  6. Girls, Girls , Stop getting your panties in a knot. You'll have plenty of time to wave that fairy wand around if you


    play your cards right.


    If you don't like it go somewhere else. I like my river the way it is AND it will only get better.


    Hey GCD. You were wrong!!! They Do need 2 of us!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

  7. I'll make a long story short!!! I Inherited a cat ...ends up it's a sick cat. Dog ,Cat, I don't care. Thank God I don't have kids!! They would be devastated!! Now I know why she left the cat here and moved to London.

  8. I guess it depends how far you are from a real doc. Ain't nooooway I'd let someone that don't have a degree rip a piece of metal out of any part of me with a barb on the other end. Push it through, cut it, and were done. What does the Canadian Medical Association have to say about this? Someone said earlier about wrapping it and seeking medical attention. I AGREE!! Depending on how deep that sucker is imbedded, you could do severe damage man!!


    Not sure if you meant it as a joke, but it's not funny!!!

  9. You're right! People do pin for bass, carp, and cats. I'm curous as to what you were using for bait, and like someone said earlier atlantics are closed year round. Regardless of what you're fishing for, if atlantics are hitting, move on. Read the regs or ask Italo. :lol: :lol: :lol:

  10. Never liked those clowns anyway!!!! They should be shot, hung and urinated on!! The Shwa deserves better!!!!


    I guess bad publicity is better than none at all. :angry:


    Oh, by the way, I live in Toronto and wouldn't pay 2 cents to see those idiots. What they did is not cool!!!


    Hell Man!!!! I didn't think I had that much power!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:837am CP24 just said OCT 7 is happening for Oshawa.


    I still don't like them(Kiss) but good for Oshawa.

  11. Thanx Guys!!!! Just got back from the hospital and that MF is still with us. He's almost as tough as my Dad and my Uncle Danny (Infantrty, 3 stints on the front lines). They were bad boys, but before I go on and on about things, I need sleep. I haven't slept in a couple of days.


    God Bless You All!!!!!!

  12. Thanx, I needed that. :lol: :lol: :lol:


    Here's a short one for ya from the grey bruce board. Sorry Ladies buuuut.





    A man posted an ad in the classifieds, all it said was - Wife Wanted


    Next day he received 200 replies.


    They all said the same thing 'You can have mine.'

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