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About floatfishin

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  1. Well, after yesterday hitting fish, and COPPER and I both without Digi power, today was a must to make sure I brought some film!!! I'll start off with a few pics of some smaller fish I got last week with the odd hour opening with a borrowed vehicle, got to sneak out a couple of times to the Bends and was rewarded once with a spotty lil brownie Was workin roe, but 1st drift with a tiny red worm made this lil gaffer hit [] Another 1hr quick window last week got me this little scrappy bow on a fresh tied Chartruse bag I am also waiting on a few pics from COPPER from last week, we did well on Tues last week, Now onto today... COPPER Was at my door at 5:45 am this mornin, and for me kickin myself for no cam yesterday, and knowing the water would be prime green, the ONE Thing I DID Not forget was the digi [] We hit the "Gas Pumps" by 6am with hot coffee's in hand. We talked a few mins, and then saw in under 20 minutes just as many if not 2 dozen fish rise as the sun was cresting!!! We thought, Big DAY!!! After fishing the pumps with high hopes, and the sun almost up, no fish made us head to the Willows Well, 1st drift!!!!!!!!!!!!! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Well, Not even after a new roe bag hits my hook and the fish just re-leased.... COPPER HITS............... [LOL] [LOL] [LOL] [LOL] [LOL] [LOL] Well he decided that fish did not count, and proceeded to tie it up [=D>] Even at one fish each, 8:15 am. Well we went back to the "Pumps" On a feeling, and I lost one fish off the dock, and quiet after that... We opted for the "Bends" Well COPPER on his 2nd drift says FISHHHYYYYYY This fish went bezerk [=D>] [LOL] And I got a pic, that is my new desktop, I did not see this pic till I got home, but I thinks it's a dandy [] Big male for SCOTTY [=D>] I proceeded with a lost fish in the Bends, we only fished there 20 mins or so, the fish I lost went right to the wood, I horsed it, and came up short [8(] After the Bends we proceeed to the Pumps Encore, as to where COPPER Got 2 more lil guys, And, I got my rear end whooped fishin wise by my brother COPPER On a fantastic day. Warm temps will see me out, but no roe, driftin dewies for browns over the next few days. All fish were taken on fresh loose roe in either a pink or chartruse bag on a 2-3ft lead from float to hook.Other than the small brown on a red worm.
  2. Well today was a day I thought was to be normal..... Well today started as normal, I went with my lady this morn, she was going to class, and I was dropped off at the S-Bends for a last kick before the rain coming this weekend. Well I began fishing, lost a tank of a fish, and thought it was going to be a good day.... Well bout 20 mins later, above on the tracks a figure appeared and it was my brother CANADIAN COPPER, he told me to head to the bridge, I thought he was fishing, well nope......................... He told me to hurry, he was taking me to the hospital, for my lovely lady Ivana was hit by a car on her way to class in Oshawa She was rushed to Bowmanville Hospital, and I was there shortly after to find her strapped to a transport board on a gurnea and 5 cops and as many paramedics there to greet me with sayings of don't worry she will be ok............................................. She has injuries to her back (Nothing broken thank god!) Severe whiplash and shock that is still lasting. I have her resting now on pain killers, but the lady who hit her was charged I was told by police, and the car is a total write off She seems to be calm now, but the doctors were amazing, the paramedics and police were just as amazing to me and my gal. I want to thank my Bro COPPER For being there in the time of need, the only # she could think of in her state of shock was his, and he dropped everything to come and get me and rush me to my girl, I love that man. Aswell as all the EMT staff for being so wonderfull in this time. Just to add here, when COPPER came to pick me up, I was in full waders, rod in hand, and full riot gear for floating. I got into COPPERS Car, and forgot my chest pack in his back seat, full of fresh scrape and my Astmha inhalers. Well, do to forum, this guy who I consider one of my best friends, shows up at my door with my stuff in hand, knowing I had forgot it, and just shows up to deliver it back to me!!!!!!! THX SOOOO MUCH BRO, FAMILY YOU ARE INDEED MY BROTHER! So I am in Orono with my girl and she seems to be resting comfortably. I will keep you updated, but there will be no fishing for me for atleast a little bit until I know my girl is ok, and we can focus on other things, most important her getting better. Tight Lines: Float.
  3. Buster, for you and those who don't know my bro COPPER, he is missin a peeper, the "Caps" is easier for him to type. One eye or 2, my brother still kicks me but at the silvers Float comes back to Ont in Feb, look out GL"S Bows
  4. Tuff go my brother 4.5 weeks and countin!!! Harsh loosin a winter Brownie GRRRRR Wifey says hi bro, hope all is well!
  5. Save some for your bro out west fella I arrive on the 9th of Feb in Ottawa, but get ready for the 15th, or 16th early am my brother!!! And many days after!!! Miss ya big fella, see ya soon!
  6. That fish is a tank for an Atlantic bro Just a wicked fish indeed!!!!!!! Gotta show the lil one, she helps with any stocking out in Darlington, I'm sure she is gonna love to see this one!!!
  7. Thank goodness for private property is all that opener is about for me, sure I go watch the crowds, but after 14yrs of elbow pads, I rather spectate than join the barage of yee haaa's on the local waters.
  8. I never thought I'd see the day CC askin for bass info Call me brother
  9. Dirty water (To an extent) If it's starting to drop, but still dirty... BIG ROE BAGS, or bigger profile baits, Riverwood Pinkies are a good bet in stained water, a bit bigger of a profile F.F
  10. THIS ONE IS FOR MY BRO CANADIAN COPPER, TOLD YA I HAD PICS Well, early wake up this morn, Copper was on wife detail today, so I was on my own to go fishin. My wife heads for College bout 8am, so she dropped me off at the S-Bends this mornin. Got on the water and set-up by round 8:30. We got some rain last night and stained the water pretty good, but still definatly fishable. 6 guys already fishin the bends, so I put on the elbow pads, and squeezed in [LOL] Well, I saw one fish landed as I got there and figured I might in good shape.... One lad set up on one, and I helped land it for him. Saw another guy pop one, but he didn't need my help for he had his 2 buddies droolin over it [LOL] Well I fished for bout 45 mins, which felt like forever, and made a long drift downstream, thinkin as my float burried I was in shallow grounds, but I set the hook anyways and well.................. I was gigglein like a kid when it started throwin head shakes at me [LOL] Nice clean silver male I was into. The lad I had helped earlier re-paid the favor to me by landing the fish and snappin this pic (I know my hat looks a little crooked) [LOL] Well ridin high after that one, I got back into the drift and 5 mins later...... This thing was STRONG, and acrobatic to boot [=D>] [=D>] [=D>] Had 4 guys watchin me fight this brute, and again the same lad comes over to land er, and a photo opp for Float [=D>] I relax a bit, and drift for awhile longer, only to see my float drop in the same spot on 2 drifts [:s] [:x] I could not see it being a snag, and my buddy Claudio, said it has to be a fish [LOL] Well next drift the float burries, well thinkin it's the same snag, I just lift the rod and well............ This fish goes freakin bonkers [LOL] Arial fish # 2 [=D>] [=D>] [=D>] Well after that fish I only stayed for a little longer for the walk home was a tad long, and I really wanted coffee #2 on the mornin. All in all, 3/3 I'm quite happy with my Solo efforts []
  11. Silvio, yuppers bro, that's me I'm out tomorrow, be at the Red Ant's place bout 8:30, can't get out earlier, for the wife has college, and have to drop the lil one at school too. But where we met, I'll be there by 8:30 am, Tied some roe tonight ALSO, MANY THX TO MY BRO COPPER, NEVER A DULL MOMENT WITH MY BROTHER!!!! NEVER A BAD DAY FISHIN WITH MY MENTOR!!!!
  12. Any day out with my bro Scott, is a wicked day!!!! Well if you like holdin other peoples fish, an outin WITH COPPER IS A LOTTERY WIN Jokes aside, we WORKED HARD Yesterday, and SCott, made it all come together with such an amazin jig fish, hats off my brother!!! And River Rat, sup brother, I moved to your neck of the wodds last yr bro, I'm right off Maple Grove Maybe COPPER Will be nice next time and let me land one
  13. 2 words: (Moosebunk will laugh at this) MOLSON DRY!
  14. Stellar Mike, just simply STELLAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Amazing shot's and well worth the bitter cold bro, you and Paul deserve it big time!!!
  15. Well, today was workin out to be a good day, not to much sleep after getting off work, but seemed to be a good day. Well, then it turned out to be the worst day of my life in a matter of 3 phone calls.... I called my mom to say hi this eve, and my brother awnsered, I found it odd he would pick up the phone [:s] I was then informed that my Mom's Best freind of 40+ yrs had past away [:^(] I knew this woderfull woman from when I was born, She was an amazing lady in all ways!!! She had 2 great son's, and a beautiful daughter, and her husband "Gaston" was a man I still look up to. Beth succomed to Alzimers (Spelling?) and made her way to a better place, Bless her wonderfull soul. So after about 2 hrs of tears (I'm home bymyself) I finally got to speak to my mother for some reason was out at my Uncle's place in Manotick. This I also found odd, for X-mas is around the corner and family would meet for sure then... I tried mom's cell to no avail, so I called my uncle's home # and was greeted on the other end by a police officer........ Without detail, I spoke to my mother, and learned my beautiful cousin at only the age of 19 had her life taken away from her [:^(] [:x] Though I do not know anything of how it took place, I only 2 hrs before lost a woman I adored, but then to find out my beautiful cousin had also passed [:s] Kelly was such a beautiful girl and had so many things going for her, she was off to college next yr(With Honours) and she was taken away from us way to soon. I as I write this still have tears on my face, I deserved to go, not her. After loosing my Gramma just a few weeks back at the service, Kelly read a poem for Gramma, and now the family enduring this loss (Esp my lovley mom's for loosing her best friend) I hate to say it, but X-mas just aint going to be a celebration. To Beth Hone And Kelly Pegg You will always be in your families and friends heart and thoughts I love you both and, will miss you more than I could say. Float.
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