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About mcginnis

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  1. FYI. The proposal is for a windrow composting site. It would use possibly 85 acres, in the middle of a 330 acre site. The remaining land would stay rural, acting as a buffer. Windrows (managed rows) are a long standing technology used to convert kitchen scraps and other organics into a valuable soil amendment. Even in places where there have been on-site odour problems, which won't be the case in a well-managed operation, the smell is not noticable more than 800 to 1,200 metres away (which is why a buffer is maintained, to ensure that no neighbour is affected). As this proposal continues to move forward it will go through extensive public consultation, and scrutiny by the Ministry of Environment and other agencies, prior to the necessary permits being issued. Local residents may decide that they don't support the proposal. All that the company has been asking is that people understand all the details before making up their minds. In pursuit of this the company recently distributed a detailed 8-page information booklet to all local residents. My only intent in posting is to provide more accurate information. I appreciate this opportunity.
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