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Rainbow nut

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About Rainbow nut

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  1. You're the best steelheader ever. Wow.
  2. I've also experienced criticism from various people because of some of my posts. I've learned to shrug it off. Perhaps Freud might speculate that such a critical person is entirely too convinced of his own place in the universe and more specifically that perhaps his entire sense of self worth is wrapped up in his ability to be a good angler. In the words of Seinfeld that is "Quite lame!" Me? I have nothing to prove to anybody and will continue to post on this board as I see fit. cheers, Mike Maybe Freud would have also had something to say about someone who has to boost his perhaps fragile sense of self (ego) posting self congratulating posts on the net on a weekly basis. Then again maybe he wouldn't as there was no net back then Natester get over it nothing you say will make any difference...
  3. Most steelhead fishermen are a slightly strange breed. They are highly protective of their fishery which is a limited and increasingly stressed resource. That's why you'll find 99% won't post on internet boards.... Here in Ontario rivers are getting increasingly crowded. Part of the solution to spread the numbers around would be for more Ontario fishermen to utilize the US fishery. Outstanding fishing in New York State and not such a long drive. Some of the bigger Erie tribs are amazing. What I'll do next week is get together a detailed summary of access to the better NY rivers with clear directions from Ontario. I'll also give the scoop on licenses and directions to some but not all the best access points. You'll have to work a bit of it out for yourselves I would encourage local fishermen to check out some of these rivers. I'm here to share which is what these boards should be all about and forgive me in advance if I don't post details of a couple of my favorite on my doorstep rivers
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