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Lawren Wetzel

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About Lawren Wetzel

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  1. I would like to introduce myself to everyone on the board. I understand an introduction is pretty customary on this board. My name is Lawren Wetzel and I am from the Newmarket area. I have been fishing since I was about 9 years old (now 24). I had a dream to be a professional bass fishermen just about all my life and in 2004 I competed in my first Bassmaster tournament in the USA. For the next 2 years I fished the BASS events and had a fair amount of success...enough to be able to make a career out of it. Unfortunatly I didn't have the money to back it up. I no longer fish tournaments that serious, just the occasional one here and there. I really want to get back to enjoying the fishing for fishing and not have all the other stresses that come with tournament fishing. I live my life for my saviour Jesus Christ and that is something He has been speaking to me lately, so I am being obedient to that. I have been blessed to fish for bass all over the eastern US. Everywhere from the Mississippi River in Iowa, to the Harris Chain of Lakes in Florida, and up into the state of NY on great fisheries like Champlain, Oneida, and Erie. I know a handful of the board members already and am looking forward to meeting more! Lawren
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