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Everything posted by chet

  1. I forgot to ask if these grocery stores/ beer stores will be easy to find of of route 11. Specifically in Temagami and New Liskeard.
  2. Thanks guys for the great information. We already know the border crossing rules that is why I had to ask where to buy more alcohol, the allowed amount isn't enough for the week stay we are scheduled for. It has never been enough since we all have been legal age. Anyone have any good fishing advice about the eagle lake area or the Montreal River?
  3. I am in need of assistance from any of you. We are scheduled to go to Elk Lake , Ontario in July. This will be our first trip to this area of Canada. In part of our planning several questions have arisen, which some of you could possibly help. We are coming from Ohio so crossing the border will be one of our tasks. This does not concern us for we all have passports and are perfectly legal. After we cross the border we would like to pick up our beer for the week. Where we are going there will not be a liquor store nearby. Is there somewhere in Windsor that we could purchase beer? We plan on crossing near midnight, this probably poses a problem. Due to the laws we will also need a grocery store where we can buy our vegetables. Our travel will take us through several other cities as well. If our planned schedule takes us as we hope Toronto near 4 or 5am. Huntsville shortly after that, North Bay, Marten River, Temagami, Latchord, and New Liskeard. If any of these places have a liquor store and a grocery store that we could visit either real late at night or early in the morning we would like to know. Again, thanks for any help that you may provide. P.S. I do not care if gas is $50 a litre I will be fishing in Canada one week a summer until the day I die. This is the one week a year I look forward to year after year and I will not be deprived of it!
  4. Our experience with the chapleau area last year wasn't a very positive one as far as fishing goes. The area was beautiful, the accomodations were what we expected, everything was good except the fishing. It may have just been a bad week for fishing, but due to that we would like to experience another area. Corvette1 the nakina area is awesome, but due to this being my 11 year old's first canada trip I don't want to force him in a vehicle for 20 hours, this may be a little much for him to take. The west arm of Nippising sounds promising. As well as the temagami area. I will continue to search for the best place suited for our party so keep the information coming. This is great
  5. Thanks again for the information. I will begin looking at these selections. There are so many beautiful lakes to fish in ontario it is difficult to narrow down selections.
  6. I meant to say the fishing was limited on Rice because of wind not rain.
  7. I would be willing to give Lake Nippissig a try if it isn't one of those lakes that get real windblown. I fished Rice for 20 years and there were many years where the fishing was limited almost all week because of rain. Nippissig would also offer lots of panfish to keep the boy busy, also. I am willing to check almost anything out at this point in the game. I figured if I start looking this early it may be easier to book a place the first week or two of bass season as well. Again, thanks for any information. I have been up since 4AM looking at websites and they all are starting to look the same. A first hand opinion/suggestion is what I need at this point.
  8. Thanks guys for the information. Blake, is there a website for cottages on Lake Mississippi? I believe the Bay of Quinte is too large for us this year. I plan on taking my 11 year old son for the first time to Canada, the last thing I want to do is be stuck in the cabin due to wind. He gets bored rather quickly.
  9. I have been a long time viewer of this site and finally have registered. THis site has provided valuable information for me and fishing buddies over the last several years. I am hoping that more help will come with this inquiry. I am looking for a place to fish hopefully in late June 2008. I am from Ohio and have been enjoying atleast one fishing trip a year to Canada. THis year I would like to go somewhere different. The following is a list of where we have went over the years: Rice lake for about 20 straight years. For several reasons we changed it up about 5 years ago Lower Buckhorn for 3 straight years This last year we did a fly-in out of chapleau About 6 years ago we did a fly-in out of Nakina Things we are looking for: We will be taking our own boats. After last years fly-in a trolling motor and comfortable seats are a necessity this year. Electric in the cabins. Possibly 6 of us to accomodate. We will cook for ourselves no "american plan" is needed. Target species: Smallmouth bass, largemouth bass, pike, walleye, and panfish are all fun to catch. As I said earlier Rice is no longer our cup of tea. We enjoy solitude and tranquility. I don't want to have to compete with hundreds of other people. The more "rustic" type of area and cottage suits us just fine. Smaller lakes are also good. I have looked at Lake Nippisig and Lake Simcoe, but would prefer something smaller. Researching on the internet by punching in lakes and hope'ing to find cottages isn't working so well for me. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. If there is any information I can provide on any of the lakes mentioned above please let me know. Thanks in advance
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