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About 2lakeigo

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  1. I would like to take the time and share my story with everyone in the fishing community. The story is about how a small issue which i believe is some what racially motivated has now become a big problem effecting many in the Asian-Canadian community. I'd like to ask the reply s be constructive instead of a tool to throw cheap shots and eventually have the mods delete this thread. This is to inform and hopefully do its little part in fixing the problem. While fishing with my father in Coboconk over the weekend. I too now have become a victim of violence while fishing. A family consisting of a father and his two sons while intoxicated started harassing everyone fishing at the bridge and government dock. The first son started approaching the group next to me and identified himself as a MNR officer. He requested everyone to show their fishing license. The group refused and tried to get on with their business. The kid started to become aggressive and explained that the crappies (which was the only species biting) were in the slot and could not be kept (we all know that is Bull). The father and younger brother then joined into the now heated argument. Aggression was used and a tug of war ensued over the basket of crappies. Once all the crappies were dumped back in the river the group decided to pack up and leave. While packing you can only imagine the treatment they received by a bunch of ignorant drunks fingering through thier personal belongings. I was next to be approached by the first son. Again he identified himself as a MNR officer and requested to see my license. I refused and asked to be left alone. While having his face close enough that i can smell the alcohol, threats were made but they fell upon deaf ears. Unlike the other group, I held my ground and did not get intimidated that easily. When aggression was used on my father who came over to see what the commotion was about, we then thought it would be best if we just left. (the bite was slow anyways) We packed and while driving away, a half full beer can was whipped and it hit my driver side. Enraged, I jumped out of the vehicle, picked up the can and threw it back at their parked boat. Words were exchanged and when the three approached the vehicle the words: "you better get out of here before you get killed" came out of the fathers mouth. I got into the car, put the vehicle in gear and then out of no where the father throws a sucker punch which impacts my upper lip. Can we all say COWARD. It was a good thing my father was around to keep me grounded. Afterwards OPP showed up and the dumb ass son kept telling the officer that all he wanted to do was see everyones license. The father told the officer they "got caught up in the heat of the moment". The son was charged with impersonation of an officer. The father was charged with assault and uttering death threats. I believe they will appear in Lindsay court on the 8th of November. Two other locals also involved in what I call the verbal assault claimed they showed up afterwards. The girl with some nerves and a scared look on her face whispers to me "please don't involve me". I didn't..but maybe i should have (more witnesses to the assault). With everything going on in the news. I never thought chance would pick me and make me a victim of something like this. Sure, racial slurs have now become the norm to me while fishing in any area outside of the bigger cities like Toronto, Hamilton, and Belleville. But all this coming from A FAMILY! I guess in this case the apple didn't fall far from the tree. Things must change and it should start here on there message boards. "White bucket" comments should cease because they too are a form of stereotyping. I use a bucket in both ice and summer fishing seasons and just because I do (and my ethnic background) I now am a target. Here we are saying we need to stop and educate the ones that take too much fish when the real cowboys are out practicing racism and violence. Is it really worth it? Taking the law into your own hands? I know alcohol made this family become brave ones and help them do the things they did. Imagine the targeted groups decide to bear some weapons and defend themselves or even become the aggressor. From there the problems only escalate and all for what? Last I remember you shouldn't get in trouble if you havn't done anything wrong. There are no excuses for these recent incidents. It boils down to black and white, no grays. You either condone or condemn. It has to stop so that no community has to fish in fear when they try to enjoy what they are rightfully entitled to. As for those charged in all incidents. Lets hope the law will be upheld and these clowns are made examples of. I know if I was to assault a local while fishing, I'd have the book thrown at me. For the record. I myself am south east Asian. Owned a sporting license since the age of 16, have a boat slipped on a kawathra lake, invested thousands into equipment, follow the regulations when harvesting, practice catch and release, mind my own business, and through the years met some great people on the lake. Oh ya, I probably catch more fish then most people too! Its my passion and no one will EVER take that away from me. 2lakeigo
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