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Everything posted by AMilli

  1. Thanks for the info guys. Much appreciated. I think it will be gone in time for the long weekend. Cheers!
  2. Hey everyone. Heading up to Gogama area for pike on May 15th and hoping the ice is going to melt by then. Anyone know how the spring melt is coming along?? Hope it will be off in time!
  3. Thanks, Mike!
  4. Hi everyone. Anyone know how the ice melt is coming along?? We're heading to a spot about 2 hours south of Timmins on May 16th. Getting nervous! Any info would be greatly appreciated!
  5. Hey everyone - Any update on the Spring ice melt in the Timmins area? We are heading to the Gogama area on May 16th and just wondering how its looking up there??? Thanks!
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