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About Blacktube1

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  1. So in essence you're saying I should have gotten a reciept on a bass boat I bought 2 years ago, saying it had a 9.9 merc on the back rather than disclosing the 150 yamaha and asked for a cheaper amount??? By the time the government catches up with all this crap, because I'm telling ya right now, no ol'timers who have been on the water for 50 years are gonna start registering their 14 foot tin boats which have been passed down to them through generations. I think registering used boats is a good idea, but creating it just like used vehicles will not work. New boats receive taxes, enuff said!!!
  2. I can relate to that, I'm still waiting for the tax bill regarding a bass boat I bought 2 years ago. The last two owners of this boat never had to, or just never did register it to their names. But now that this new crap rule is in effect, I'm expected to pay taxes on a 24 year old bass boat( with a 2000' motor on it) all because the previous owner would not change the reciepts for boat and motor seperate. What happens if I sell my boat tomorrow?? I still get a tax bill for the amount I paid for it, but now I dont even own it. It's all a bunch of crap and money grab!!
  3. Anything over a 12 foot boat you need to do the registration thing. It's all a joke.
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