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About Floaterforlife

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  1. HEy all! Well it was a ok weekend. I got 2 salmon and my buddy got a nice bow. But only got a pic of the one salmon . The early bow run is in witch is nice. this weekend I am heading out out again for a day. Well till next weekend here is a pic of the one salmon I got. LATER ALL ALEX
  2. Hey all and thanks. My dad and a buddy of mine got me into Floatfishing. I started out floating with the baitcaster and then got a Stanton for a xmas one year(about 5years ago say) And yes silvo I am heading out to my grandmas today so I am hoping for some salmon maybe even some BOWS LOL BIG MAYBE. But the water is looking good some hofuly get some salmon for some roe and fun. I WILL POST PICS IF I GET ANYTHING. ANYWAYS LATER ALL ALEX
  3. HEy all new to the form so I thought I would say some stuff about me. Well im 16 and been float fishin for about 6 years now maybe more. I have been fishin my hole life. I have a 13 foot quantum PT that I have been using for about 4 years now no prob just that it as a reel set and a better tip. For that 13 footer I have a 5" stanton and a KING PIN!!! lol Love that reel. I normaly fish huron rivers. Here is some pics to get u pumbed for the BOW RUN YAA Lol AND THAT KING PIN ANYWAYS LATER ALL ALEX
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