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Posts posted by NewHips

  1. Just got a new desktop, loaded with windows 10 home............I really like it.


    We tried in on my older desktop that had xp........didn't work well,,,,wouldn't link up with my wireless and other driver issues, revered to windows 7 that worked fine.

  2. Mike, you have always been supportive in any and all questions thrown your way., Thank You for helping me on various occasions (marking maps...lures...etc.) Please keep up the fantastic trip reports, it's as close to actually being there. The best of luck with your new endeavor.........you will always have the respect and encouragement from the majority on this forum. You are highly regarded by me......keep up the good work. :clapping:

  3. Dave, I have a giant sized bottle of Aleeve from Costco, I can fly that in for you. I know nothing about carpentry....but I can make a wicked rum & coke. After some serious supervising I know I can catch a few fish for dinner and really have a great beer batter recipe I know you'll enjoy........I'll even do the dishes. Just think about it........no pain....a drink in your hand.....fresh walleye dinner....no mess.

    Life can't get any better then that.............. :Gonefishing:

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