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  1. Hi Beerman Hope you fish more than you drink. Were going to Edgar next year, 1st week June. I’ve never been to Edgar, but we’ve done very well at Kesagami, been their several times. Last time we brought my kid brother (he has a lot of kids so we paid his way) and the bugger got 5 between (36 and 45)’’ not to mention the biggest walleye 27”. I haven’t heard the end of it since. It seems the weather it very temperamental at Kesagami, more so than at the more southern lakes (those say 20 to 50 miles north of Cochrane). We had a tough of snow in late July and 90+ in the same week. It’s a blessing every time up there we saw caribou every time, one time a whole herd.
  2. Gods_Country.doc
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