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Tom McCutcheon

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Posts posted by Tom McCutcheon

  1. Good thoughts, but please make sure that what you are killing and keeping is a Pike. Juvenile Muskies and Hybrids look a lot like a Pike.

    A lot of casual anglers still don't know what they are looking for to distinguish a Muskie from a Pike, let alone at the juvenile stage.

    Seasoned anglers like yourself and other tournament anglers, have a much better idea regarding fin shape, patterns and submandibular pore count.

    Myself, I fish mainly for Muskies except in the hot dog days of summer when the water temps get above77-80 deg., then I will go after walleye and bass.



    Hmm never seen a Pike on Sturgeon yet. What part of the lake has Pike, the north end by Fenelon Falls?


    Not sure where it was caught, but I believe it was closer to Fenelon Falls. Which also makes sense. It probably migrated through from Cameron. Having said that, it may have been anywhere on Sturgeon. I have heard, but have no confirmation of Pike in Scugog.

  3. I hope MLB tells the Rangers the game is tomorrow and the start time will be the same as today...4:30


    I was waiting to see what would happen if and when Bautista met Stinky at second...

    Both were professional, especially when he hit the home run and just laid the bat down. I think he blew Stinky a kiss as he rounded second....

  4. If possible duct in from the house.

    If not an RV/trailer propane furnace that is self contained and runs on 12 DC battery or a converter.


    That's not a bad thought Dan, but when I had a new furnace installed and duct work added to an upstairs bedroom above the garage, the duct came through the wall from the house and along the garage ceiling into the upstairs room. I asked if I could install a heat/air cond. vent into the garage at the same time. His answer was NO. According to code it can't be done because of possible carbon monoxide transfer to the living quarters.

    Codes in other areas may be different though, but it made sense to me.

  5. My wife made me purchase a generator prior to Y2K2.....I bought a Yamaha portable 2600. Best investment idea she had. It has come in extremely handy a number of times. Ice and wind storms, vehicles hitting utility poles, even brown outs. Reasonably quiet.

    When needed and depending on time of year, I can run two fridges, several lights, the fan on a propane fireplace and the TV or computer. When the power was out for the ice storm, it ran for three days straight on five tanks of gas.

    I have thought many times of going to a larger generator that will run the house and come on automatically, but so far haven't pulled the trigger.

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