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Everything posted by Theo

  1. More importantly they still haven't found one of the boaters! They recovered one of the guys Saturday I think.
  2. Me and a friend thought about heading out that day but decided against it due to the expected chaos. Glad we stayed away. A question for me is where the heck is the Durham police marine unit on days like this? They pulled me over a few weeks prior and gave me $500 is Bull tickets! Where were they that night when everyone knew traffic on the water would be crazy? A few weeks prior these two Durham cops gave me a ticket on Scugog for not having a whistle, my boat has a functional electric horn attached to it. I don't need a whistle! all the cop kept saying was that I needed a whistle and my horn didn't qualify. Well this is total crap! How does this clown call himself a marine cop when he doesn't know the law..? Either he doesn't know the law or he's greasing his own pockets with court dates - he kept telling me to show up at court! Then the joker says my floating heaving line isn't a floating heaving line! That's when I sat down and thought I better shut up and just take my tickets and leave. The line I showed the idiot was a yellow and orange line. A few days later I called the Marine unit staff Sargent, apparently he needed to check the regulations regarding the horn! What the he'll is that I'm thinking, how does this Staff Sargent of the marine unit not know the regulations backwards. He calls me back and says that I am correct and my horn qualifies. He also says the cop in question said I showed him a white mooring line not a floating heaving line. Damn lier. when we need these cops on the water we don't see them. At the advise of a friend who is a cop with another region, I've filled a formal complaint. Cant wait to see how this unfolds and my court date. I'm pissed and i've lost all respect for the Durham Marine Unit.
  3. I agree ...
  4. July 1 on Scugog was not a good day for a few people. Things like this can Obviously be avoided. Someone not paying attention? Someone running without lights? Someone was into the beers? I wonder what happened. You need to be aware 110%of the time. http://www.durhamregion.com/news/article/180600
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